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Thank you Dad, Thank you Mom

Thank you Dad, Thank you Mom

Have you ever thought about what your purpose in life is in this world? Regardless of your beliefs, your purpose in life must be to be happy. It might be a waste if your purpose in life is only for misery.

So far, how much happiness have you felt? Whether it was momentary happiness or happiness that remains in memory.

I myself am very grateful because I have felt happiness several times. I will never forget those who always make me smile and even laugh. I am truly grateful.

However, even though I laugh hundreds of times, it seems meaningless when I remember that I am still a loser. A weak person who is unable to make his parents happy during his life.

This is a regret that I may never forget.

Time is indeed imperceptible, the end and beginning of a very touching year. Losing the person I love the most makes my passion diminish a little. It took me a long time to try to wake up this hand to be able to write again.

However, no matter how sad I feel, no matter how regretful I am, no matter how long my journey will be, I always believe that they will be happy if we are happy too.

I'm sure they smile happily seeing their children grow and develop. Thank you dad, thank you mom.

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  1. Betapa bahagianya kita ketika melihat orang tua tersenyum bahagia. Bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada mama dan papa atas segalanya yang tak mungkin dapat kita balas hingga akhir hayat.

  2. Kebahagiaan orang tua adalah melihat anak-anaknya bahagia.

  3. Bisa membuat orang tua tersenyum saja sebuah bakti yang luar biasa
