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Two Nights in the Hospital Emergency Room Corridor

Two Nights in the Hospital Emergency Room Corridor

The IGD, or emergency room, is the first destination for patients who come to the hospital in an emergency. Emergency means unplanned, something that is very urgent and sudden.

On that basis, it is truly unfortunate if there are hospitals that do not serve their guests well. Whether it is in terms of first aid or administration.

Another story: Rainy Season Delayed Again

Readers may have heard that the issue of service to BPJS users, the government's health insurance program, has long been quite concerning. As if looked down upon.

Such negative prejudices seem hard to let go of even though we don't know whether they are true or not. The negative thing is further strengthened when you experience it yourself.

As happened to my friend a week ago, he was forced to go to the emergency room at a hospital in Subang after Maghrib due to symptoms of heartburn.

For the first service, I think they are quite good. My friend immediately got treatment when he was tired and had difficulty standing when I led him into the room. He was immediately propped up in a wheelchair and soon moved to a flexible bed after I explained a little about his pain.

Time after time continues to roll, without realizing it, the day is so quickly wasted. A new morning has greeted us who are still stuck in the corridor of the hospital's emergency room.

Boredom began to eat away at both of our patience, as our brains wondered how long we would sleep in this narrow hallway? Our hearts began to feel uncomfortable.

Read also: This Rain Reminds Me of November Rain

With full consciousness, I tried to ask for clarification. But unfortunately, several times I asked, all the answers were the same. The nurses answered in unison, "the room is full."

The unpleasant answer also came from the hospital staff at the registration desk in the lobby. A response that forced us to accept things as they were.

After two nights in the corridor of the emergency room, the doctor finally advised my friend as a patient to go home. We could not help but greet the news with half-joy. At least the boring time was over soon.

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  1. Oh daerah Subang pelayanan rumah sakit untuk BPJS masih jelek ya kang. Turut prihatin juga, semoga teman nya sudah sembuh.

    Kalo disini Alhamdulillah sudah lumayan sih. Ibu ku pernah masuk IGD jam 2 siang, jam 10 malam sudah dapat kamar dan dirawat dengan baik biarpun pakai BPJS.

    1. yah setidaknya ga sampai sehari udh dapat ruangan ya mas, makasi doanya

    2. Iya mas, kurang lebih 8 jam saja di IGD, itu juga jam 7 sore aku tanya kenapa ngga dibawa ke kamar, katanya dipantau dulu kondisinya, setelah stabil baru dipindahkan ke kamar.

      Tapi kota Serang agak telat, tahun 2020 baru mulai baik, dulu aku pernah bertengkar sama suster karena pelayanan jelek.

    3. kadang emang bikin emosi sih hehe

  2. Aku pernah pakai BPJS mas...waktu oprasi punggung ku...tapi Alhamdulillah enggak ngalamin masalah yg kelewat ribet..tapi emng nggk bisa lama"...ribet tu di faskes yg puskes nya minta surat rujukan...aku juga pernah ngalamin masuk UGD sekali seumur hidup jangan sampe lagi..gara"sakit magh juga kumat..jam 12 malem aku di bawa ke UGD dan tinggal sendiri di kamar..syukur segera pulang.

  3. Ruangan penuh, itu yang biasa menjadi senjata andalan

  4. bpjs tiap bulan kepotong
    sayang juga kalau tidak kepakai dalam setahun

    1. weh, apa anda mau sakit biar bpjs nya kepake? 🤣

  5. Ya ampun 2 malam di Koridor?? Omg, kasian aku ama pasien nya. Memang ga semua sih ya RS yg trima BPJS jelek. Tapi kalo udh ketemu yg begitu, memang bikin sebeeel banget. Aku memang belum pernah ngerasain pake BPJS, tapi dr cerita temen2 deket yg make, beberapa sih puas. walaupun memang lamaaaa 😅. Tp at least pasti dpt kamar.

    1. yap, ga semua RS jelek kok, ada juga yang pelayanannya bagus

  6. Bapakku pakai BPJS tapi Alhamdulillah di tangani dengan baik sih, setelah masuk IGD 3 jam kemudian dapat kamar biarpun kelas tiga satu ruangan ada 6 orang.

  7. Aduh, kesel banget pastinya kalo dua hari di koridor RS, apa karena pakai BPJS ya??

  8. Duh sampai 2 malam di koridor RS ya Mas. Kondisi yang sangat memprihatinkan.
    Pernah juga anak saya harus dirawat, tapi di ruang IGD gak sampai 2 malam begitu. Tapi itupun saya sudah kesal karena merasa lama.


  9. That's awful to wait 2 full nights in the ER. Trying to reach the Urgent Care.

  10. menjadi pasien bpjs memang harus perbanyak sabar :') ku juga begitu

  11. Perhaps it only happens in certain hospitals, not all.
