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This Rain Reminds Me of November Rain

November Rain

This rainy season is like a cooperative's loan installment that sometimes runs smoothly and sometimes gets stuck. Morning promises sometimes don't apply to the afternoon, let alone at night. The next day it's the same and it keeps repeating.

Such a cycle apparently occurred during this year’s rainy season, as I briefly touched on in the entry ‘When Climate Lessons in Indonesia Are No Longer Valid’.

Indeed, if we think about natural phenomena that are outside our heads like this, it feels like our brain is going to tilt to one side. Because every human being has their limits, so there is no need to force it. There are already experts, we just need to observe, while sipping coffee even though that doesn't have any effect.

Read: Coffee Doesn't Keep You Awake

The rain in November, it is undeniable, has bringing the shadow of a legendary song. A very beautiful old song, sung by the popular music group of all time, Guns N’ Roses.

The thick melody with Axl Rose's distinctive vocals makes this slow rock song so memorable. A song that is perfect to play when it rains.

This song seems to drag the listener to always remember November if it rains. Digging up the memories you have in that month.

For those of you who have never heard this song, I have included the video below. Enjoy.

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  1. Lagu legend ini mas, melodinya tetap abadi

  2. Kalau mengingat bulan November, pastilah lagu yang berbicara tentang bulan ini November Rain itu ya Mas.
    Memang November curah hujan mulai tinggi. Biar hujan turun, biar tumbuhan tumbuh subur...eh tapi sekarang malah jadi banjir dimana-mana ya...

    Btw. Salam kenal Mas. Salam persahabatan dari saya di Sukabumi.


    1. salam kenal juga.

      banjir itu menjadi bukti bahwa manusia kurang merawat alam, makanya terjadilah banjir.

  3. Kurang tahu lagunya Gun N Roses kang, tahu nya lagu dangdut sama pop.😅

    Bulan November memang hujan terus tahun ini, tapi tahun kemarin malah belum hujan sampai sumur pada kering. Untungnya kadang dapat bantuan air bersih seminggu sekali dua truk Tangki

    1. Lokal juga paling kenalnya dangdut, kalo pop hanya lagu yang terkenal saja seperti lagunya Nike Ardilla atau dewa 19

  4. Perumpamaannya bikin ngakak..wkwkwk bisa ya kepikiran cicilan pinjaman koperasi..wkwkwk.

    Yang saya suka dari lagu November Rain itu melodinya, halus banget, November rain satu-satunya lagu dari G N R yang paling saya suka.

  5. Same here in Malaysia. Cloudy and rain.

  6. so if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
    or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold november rain

    termenyanyi pula saya

  7. morning promises are as fickle as the weather itself—maybe the rainy season just likes keeping us on our toes! ;-)

  8. Setuju... November selalu ingat lagunya GNR yg itu. Mana panjaaang pula 😂. Trus mv nya udh mirip short movie. Sukaaa sih mv zaman dulu itu.

  9. Lagu November Rain memang identik dengan hujan di bulan November, baik itu hujan rintik-rintik hingga super deras.
