A glimmer of hope brings dream news at the beginning of the month. It rained for three days in a row after I made a review that mentioned the inconsistent rainy season, in a last scribble before this.
Read: When Climate Lessons in Indonesia Are No Longer Valid
The tears from the sky managed to make human tears fall in joy.
After a long wait, a wait that no one knew when it would come true, finally the prayers were answered.
Every noon it becomes a tradition, the clouds continue to surround the sky, carrying out a ritual to summon the rain. A gift that is truly dreamed of.
The barren land began to produce green grass. Trees and leaves began to shine again. Water wells were not deepened. Dry buckets were used again. The mosque's water was finally no longer exploited. What an infinite blessing.
Read also: Anxious in the Rain
Three or maybe four days is an example of how valuable water is for nature and its contents. Everything needs water. Without water everything will be difficult. With water, at least we can save a little.
For that, being grateful is the cheapest thing that we should not forget. It becomes a provision in facing everything that is in the future. It becomes proof that we believe, God will not leave us.
And rain, can be ashamed to show its gray side again. The awaited cloudy sky never appears. The sky is again dominated by blue clouds. This short rain season has passed.
The wait continues. The real rainy season is delayed again. Hopefully we can wait patiently. Tomorrow or another time.
Kalo di tempat ku, biasanya masjid malah kekurangan air. Misalnya air kolam abis, maka DKM masjid akan beritahu lewat speaker agar wudhu di rumah masing-masing.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah sekarang sudah mulai hujan.
kebalik ya hehe, berarti mata air masjid di sini lebih bagus
DeleteKemarin di tempatku udah ujan, senang banget denger bunyi hujan lebat...terus pengen ujan ujanan...kalau abis ujan berasa sekeliling jadi bersih. Pemandangan jadi cantik kayak pagi penuh embun...padahal udah sore
ReplyDeletesemoga curah hujannya bagus terus ya mbak
DeleteAlhamdulillah sudah hujan kang Dibyo, Biasanya kalo hujan pertama air akan meresap dulu ya, jadi biarpun tiga hari ngga akan banjir, beda kalo sudah masuk musim hujan, hujan sehari saja bisa bikin banjir
ReplyDeletewaduhh.. Alhamdulillah di tempat saya ga ada banjir meskipun digempur hujan lebat. paling ngeri aja kalo liat hujan angin kencang
DeleteTempat saya ada sekali sekala pasti ada hujan...tapi sekejap cuma
ReplyDeleteMemang ga jelas musim sekarang. Jakarta timur ga usah ditanya, lebih lamaaa hujannya muncul drpd Jaksel yg bisa dibilang tiap sore hujan. Ga tau napa Jaktim ini LBH kering memang. Udh gerah banget.
ReplyDeleteSempet sih hujan, tp ga lamaa
mirip mirip lah di kota Subang juga begitu