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Hot But Rainy

Hot But Rainy

Believe it or not, rain can also fall when the weather is hot. During my life journey, my eyes have encountered this natural phenomenon several times. Strange but true, that's how it is.

For some people who have never experienced it, it may not be possible. We know that rain usually falls accompanied by dark clouds or even pitch black.

Read: When Climate Lessons in Indonesia Are No Longer Valid

According to my silly thoughts and some of my friends hanging out, we assume that this incident happened because the rainwater was carried by the wind from somewhere. Simply put, for example, rainwater falling in Bandung is possible for it to be carried by strong winds to Subang.

This odd theory is apparently in line with what Google concluded through their AI feature. Even Google said that this phenomenon is called 'poyan rain' which is a term that is familiar to Sundanese people.

Read also: Rainy Season Delayed Again

Now, considering the weather is sometimes hot and sometimes rainy, have you ever seen it even for a moment?

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  1. Hujan karena awan gelap gulita ❎
    Hujan karena hujan poyan terbawa ✅

  2. Kadang memang ada kok hujan turun saat panas kang, pernah lagi main badminton kok tiba-tiba ada tetesan air jatuh, ternyata hujan gerimis biarpun sebentar sekitar 10-15 menit

  3. Matahari lagi kangen sama hujan makanya dia nongol pas waktu hujan.. hahaha

    Saya sudah beberapa kali mendapatkan fenomena seperti itu, hampir tiap musim hujan saya mendapatkan fenomena seperti itu. Pernah beberapa kali mendapatkan fenomena, di belakang saya hujan deras sedangkan di depan saya kering kerontang dan panas menyengat padahal hanya dipisahkan oleh jalan tol.

    1. Mungkin yang kering itu karena lagi hajatan kang jadi ada pawang hujan, plus sempak nya yang punya hajat banyak di genteng.😁

    2. kemungkinan ada yang aktifin domain expansion

    3. Ada kemungkinan kalian berdua, benar.. wkwkwk

    4. Bertiga dong sama mas Herman.😁

    5. Ngga ah, saya ngga mau ikutan. Cukup kalian berdua aja.. wkwkwk

  4. Ada hujan maka ada sejuk sikit...

  5. hujan kadang kalau lagi panas jjuga rada aneh ya

  6. Kadang panas tapi tahu-tahu hujan, tapi biasanya habis itu ada pelangi

    1. entah ya saya ga inget apa pernah liat pelangi dulu? kayaknya ga pernah deh haha

  7. your theory of rainwater being carried by the wind is also thought-provoking and could explain cases where brief rain showers occur seemingly out of nowhere. it’s an excellent conversation starter about weather phenomena and cultural interpretations of nature...

    1. Sometimes, chatting in a coffee shop can be better than watching the candidate debate on TV. 😁

  8. Seriiiiing ngalamin pas dj Aceh. Hujan panas. Kalo orang sana bilangnya hujan orang meninggal 🤣. Mungkin tiap kali hujan panas, sering ada yg meninggal, makanya disebut begitu.

    Padahal pasti ada penjelasan ilmiahnya 😁. Trus tiap kali hujan panas, anak2 dulu ga boleh main hujan. Udah pasti bikin sakit 😂

  9. Well in Mallorca usually rains in autum, and winter. And never.in summer that here is so hot. But every country has his own peculiarities.
    Have a great day!!!
