It seems that since the Dutch era until now the Batak people have loved singing. It is not surprising that many people from their tribe are good at singing and have even become famous singers. For example, Judika, Sammy Simorangkir, or most recently the beautiful girl, Lyodra Ginting.
Reportedly, they have learned to sing from an early age. Some said, they had become acquainted with music through the family circle and during religious events, especially for Christians.
The privileges possessed by the Batak people are indeed worthy of thumbs up. Sometimes I am amazed when I see them singing in front of my eyes. Oh what a sweet voice.
Coincidentally, in my residential area, there are quite a lot of Medan people. So we often meet them every day, some of them are even quite familiar.
As someone who is involved in the commercial business sector, whose job is just daydreaming, playing on my cellphone, waiting for people to stop by where I sell. I often listen to music using a speaker that I play from YouTube Music so that the atmosphere doesn't get bored.
My favorites are Western songs or English songs. I don't know why lately I've been lazy about playing Indonesian songs, although I still like them, at most they are old songs like the 2000s era, they are Padi, Peterpan, Ungu, Radja, etc.
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Well, the English songs I play are mostly old songs too. Let's just say Phill Collins, Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, then there's Michael Bolton, those are all old singers whose songs existed before I was born. I don't know why I really like their work.
Fast forward to the 90s, there was Westlife, Backstreet Boys, Boyzone, and many more. They are the best boyband ever. It's a shame that the current generation doesn't know music groups like them.
Almost every day I play music around after Asr until before Maghrib and after Isha until midnight.
I was so intense playing music from other people's countries, that I was thought to be Batak. It's a bit ridiculous, but I don't mind it, in fact I consider it entertainment.
Yes, maybe that was also influenced by my stall which was frequented by many people from Medan. Also, my hair, which I'm currently growing out, is a little frizzy. Plus the music I play, continues to be western songs. Yes, it's not wrong hehe.
Gara-gara musik di kira Batak yah mas hehe..suara mereka memang terkenal bagus,eh selain Batak orang Ambon juga suaranya bagus"juga yah..
ReplyDeletebetul juga, orang ambon jg ga kalah sih
DeleteKok nda ada tombol terjemahannya ya #padahal kemaren ada (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
ReplyDeletewah mas intan sekarang rambute gondrong 😁...foto dimana tuh pemandangannya kelihatan berangin? Kalau lagu-lagu Indonesia aku suka yang tahun aku masih baru masuk SD, pas esde sih ga ngeh, dengerinnya ya pas dah dewasa kayak Padi...itu favoritku banget malah mpe sekarang tetep takdengerin di beberapa judul, ga semua judul, soalnya aku pilih pilih yang musicnya kedengeran enak di telinga atau kadang rada ada teknik tertentu yang ga semua pemusik bisa memainkannya tapi lagu barat juga suka.kalau romantis lagu lagunya Sania Twain, kalau rock itu aku sukanya switchfoot, alterbridge, audioslave, avenged sevenfold yang so far away....kadang ada juga lagu barat yang sering kedengeran sambil lalu, ga ngeh siapa penyanyinya, ga tau lagunya tentang apa tapi karena sering disetel agak kenceng misal pas lagi di jalan ada yang nyetel pake speaker audio...jadi tau tau apal misalnya goo goo dolls iris, creed one last breath, the caling
tapi kalau lagi di rumah seringnya dengerin pake headset bertenaga bas...jadi kedengeren lebih asyik aja...walau sebenernya aku ga ngerti musik sih, tapi seneng aja kalau nemu lagu yang enak didenger...
tombol translate masih ada kok, seperti biasa. mungkin blog nya belum kemuat semua, masih loading.
Deletembak mbul punya selera musik rock jg ya
Di hapeku juga ada tombol translate mbul. Aku pakai Opera.
Deletebrowser nya harus update biar keliatan
DeleteSelain sebagai pengacara, orang Batak memang terkenal sebagai penyanyi, suaranya juga bagus.
ReplyDeleteKalo tempatku jarang orang Batak sih, kebanyakan orang Sunda, maklum daerah Banten.
di banten jarang orang batak yah
DeleteJarang kang. Kebanyakan orang Sunda dan juga Jawa.
DeleteTapi tetap ada kok, kebanyakan orang Batak disini jadi agen sembako, tokonya gede.
keuangan mereka emang kuat, wajar sih kalo tokonya gede gede
Deletesaya pernah belajar gitar
ReplyDeletesampai saat ini tetap tak bisa, sampai beli buku yang berisi kunci kunci nada hehehe
mikel jeksen, idola saya. saya punya koleksi lagunya
belajar gitar emang harus sabar mas
DeleteBiasanya blog Mas Intan Sudibjo ini ada tombol terjemahnya. Sekarang kok gak ada. Sementara hp saya setelah diinstal fitur terjemahannya juga lenyap.
ReplyDeletewah masa sih, kok di saya masih ada kok tombolnya
DeleteLagu-lagu barat yang lama memang mengasyikkan. Saya juga peminat Lionel Richie, juga kumpulan Westlife dan juga Modern Talking.
ReplyDeleteTeringin kembara ke Medan, mengenali penduduk dan budaya masyarakat Batak.
rupanya selera kita mirip ya bu hehe
DeleteYahh bisa jadi mungkin dari orang-orang yang berkunjung kebanyakan dari medan si bang, jadi orang mengiranya musik yang dimainkan juga dari sana. Tapi kalau orang tau lagunya pasti tau lagu yang dimainkan lagu apa sih, akupun kalau gak tau lagunya pasti melihat dari orang disekitarnya.. ohh ini lagu batak, ini lagu jawa dll hhe
ReplyDeletewkwk ya kali lagu Inggris dikira lagu batak 😄
Deletetransported to a time when music had its own magic... ;-)
ReplyDeletelistening English song can improve our language...keep it up brother