Some say that everyone has debt. There are traders who say that if they don't have debt then they can't sell. There are also those who are more sadistic, a debt-seeker opportunists. Whether you realize it or not, debt is actually like seasoning in cooking which has long-term side effects.
Seeing the rapid development of the times. Relationship more expanding. Trust is very easy to buy and sell. Everything has an important role in how people make it so easy to carry out debt and receivable transactions. Either offline, such as through savings and loan cooperatives, banks, and so on, or online such as Shopee Paylater, Kredivo and the like.
Read also The Importance of Entrusted Merchandise from Others
There was a case, a trader had several types of businesses, such as selling leaded rice, then fried food, as well as snack businesses such as fried sausages, mini pizzas, and so on.
At first glance, this trader's prospects are quite good, he has a lot of business to meet his family's daily needs or maybe more than that. But unfortunately, he is a debt-seeking opportunist. His hard work every day until night is not visible, there is no trace, what is there is he always feels lacking.
Most of the profits generated from sales are used to pay debts. The impact is that he continues to look for other loans to cover the hole. Who knows how and how long he can survive, only strong determination can save him.
Read The Difficulty of Giving Charity
Opportunists like those above are very dangerous to themselves and others. People around them, such as family, fellow traders, neighbors, will inevitably be affected, they will definitely be asked for loans.
Debt is like a double-edged sword, if you don't know how to hold the handle then you will get hurt.
Debt sometimes helps you in a difficult situation. But if you have a debt mentality, then your future will be messy.
Jaman sudah akhir
ReplyDeletebanyak orang terjebak pada hutang
Banyak orang yang meremehkan soal hutang'
Dan kini, yang punya hutang lebih galak daripda yang pinjamain hutang
ya begitulah,
sungguh ironis ya bang
DeleteBetul sekali, kalau gak dengan perhitungan matang berhutang itu yang kena dampaknya bukan cuma diri sendiri. Bisa keluarga, teman, etc. Sebisa mungkin sih aku hindari, khawatir gak bisa melunasi soalnya :O
ReplyDeleteyaps, kalo masih mampu jangan sampai nyoba hutang, repot
DeleteHutang seperti sudah menjadi trend ya. Ngga kuat beli ipon secara cash maka ambil pinjol. Giliran diteror baru nangis.😂
ReplyDeletePadahal beli xiomi juga bisa.😅
itulah kalo ngikutin nafsu gaya, 😌
DeleteTapi soal pedagang yang ngutang demi usaha berkembang seperti buah simalakama ya. Di daerah ku ada toko sembako yang tadinya kecil tapi bisa berkembang jadi gede karena ambil hutang di bank. Karyawan nya ada tiga padahal tadinya cuma suami istri.
DeleteTapi ada juga yang gagal dan bangkrut.
kalo management nya bagus, insyaallah pasti hasilnya bagus
DeleteSekarang aplikasi belanja online aja malahan menyediakan opsi buat ngutang wkwkk, kalo bisa jangan sampe deh ngutang", ntar gali lobang tutup lobang terus.
ReplyDeleteiya sekarang banyak jebakan, harus hati-hati
DeleteThanks for sharing 👍
ReplyDeleteSekarang saya sedar, biarlah hidup seadanya yang penting tidak diganggu hutang keliling pinggang.
ReplyDeleteusahakan untuk tidak berhutang dalam dunia ini...nanti jiwa akan jadi tenang
ReplyDeleteThat's right
DeleteYang pasti i, hutang wajib kena bayar