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Thousands of Seducer Women and The Virgin Man


Women are God's creatures created with the blessing of beauty. In addition to their charming appearance, they also have various kinds of charms. The charm will radiate to the men who are close to him to give a special impression.

Every light emitted by women is very diverse. Some are dim like a cloudy going to rain, some are bright like the sun rising from the east, and some are dark like a night in the middle of a forest. Even so, humans were created to pair up with each other. Regardless of the color of your charm, there will always be a container for your lantern place.

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Based on what is told by religious experts and world scientific facts, the female population is far more than that of men. Even in some countries there is a shortage of men until the country has the courage to pay for each of their marriages. The author was also a little interested in hearing this news.

Quantity does not always provide the value it deserves. Meanwhile, quality will always produce the right price. The large number of women has not been able to provide a solution for the virgin men in Indonesia, especially in my city, Subang. There are still many single men including my friends and myself who are still experiencing marriage dilemmas. Even though age will soon be stepping on the head of three.

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I also feel like laughing out loud when remembering my friend about his target that will get married by the age of 28 at the latest, but unfortunately that did not happen, his girl left behind the memories that had been built many years ago. Maybe he'll scream HAAAA ... like the song "Rocker Juga Manusia" from the band Seurieus.

Being a good virgin man in this day and age is a very tough trial. And even harder if you want a good woman too. Out of a thousand women, maybe there is only one that is worthy of you. It would be easier if you only needed to choose one woman from five people, unfortunately that was impossible, the number of women in the world had exceeded the capacity.

Try to play near a factory where the majority of workers are women, you are sure to find a thousand women in one day. These women have such a charm that is so alluring, that your eyes will turn over and over again. But the question is, are there any women who are fascinated by you?

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  1. Jumlah wanita lebih banyak dari jumlah pria.. Sepertinya memang harus beristri lebih dari satu ya?

  2. Wanita emang lebih banyak, tapi ternyata pria tanpa pasangan lebih banyak lagi ya Mas.😂

  3. This is an interesting post. Never thought about it this way round, always the man is "cuci mata." Go into Netflix and watch "The one." It is about finding our match using DNA technology. So easy to find our perfect match, just post a hair sample and wallah.. your perfect husband/wife details will be mailed to you.

  4. Bener banget mas jumlah wanita di muka bumi ini memang lebih banyak, kalau ga salah jumlahnya 4x lipat jumlah pria.

    Makanya pria itu pemilih ya, merasa karena wanita banyak, bisa pilih sesuka hati, tp ternyata jadi pria lajang itu status horor ya mas hihihihi

  5. Mungkin memang sudah kodratnya kalau jumlah wanita lebih banyak jumlahnya di dunia.
    Atau, ... pada belum tau saja cara membuatnya, eh* menentukan jenis kelamin maksudku ..soalnya pernah baca di ilmu kedokteran jenis kelamin bayi bisa ditentukan dari posisi ena-ena nya ... 🤔

  6. kuaminin deh semoga Mas Intan berlian ini #e kok intan berlian...lha kan dirimu pria lajang yang berkilauan seperti berlian..akan segera menemukan tambatan hatinya...amiiiiiiiin #ni kuaminkan dengan kencang nih

    btw aku baca terjemahannya...pria perawan....???

    perjaka kali ah xixixi...duh pertamax diambil bang ancis...kalah set cepet deh aku ama komen bang ancis wkwkwk

  7. As a woman my self, there are so many inspirational woman that fascinated me.

    Girl crush dari kalangan seleb jg lumayan banyak.. Eh, tp saya wanita tulen lho.. Cuma terpesona dgn kharismanya aja

  8. Karena jumlah wanita lebih banyak dari pria di dunia ini... ini peluang mas Intan untuk memilih dan menyeleksi wanita yang baik dan solehah. Jangan hanya dari fisiknya saja tapi juga iner beauty atau kecantikan dari dalam seperti pribadinya yang baik dan tulus setia. Jangan pilih yang cantik tapi terlalu matre..maaf hanya saran saja..

  9. For sure, women nowadays are becoming more and more powerful and independent.

  10. Hahahahah ga usah pusing mas. Kalo udh tiba waktunya, pasti dideketin Tuhan jodoh itu. Yg penting, si cowo upgrade skill, kerjaan ada :D. Jadi cewe juga ga ragu mendekat :D. Namanya mau menjalin hubungan, sebagai cewe aku juga pasti ngeliat cowonya udh mandiri secara finansial ato blm :D.

  11. Jumlah perempuan emang lebih banyak dari laki-laki. Walaupun laki-laki punya banyak pilihan dan bisa memilih perempuan yang bisa jadi pasangannya, tapi tetep aja perempuan punya hak untuk menolak. 😂

  12. Saya baca lewat google translate kok judulnya ribuan wanita penggoda dan pria perawan, agak aneh jadinya.🤣

    Yah, memang katanya wanita jumlahnya lebih banyak dari pria saat ini, tapi mau nyari bini muda tiga kok susah banget.😂😂😁

    1. Virgin man tuh perjaka ting ting maksudnya, mas. Kalau virgin girl/woman, itu baru gadis perawan.🙈

  13. yup... Agreed with you... now a days its hard to find someone who suit with you... No worries, Islam always has a solution for this... but, as a man, we need make sure we are good also in every aspect such as personality, economy, religion, moral... so, much thing we need to look into before we expect someone better for us...
