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Between Lazy and Hungry


Shabby clothes, wrinkled pants, dirty skin, oily face, sore muscles, and those dim eyes are mesmerized by the lump of cotton in the shape of a sofa in the living room. The weakened back was finally sedated by the softness of the sofa, even though it was actually already scratched by claws orange cat.

The fatigue that day was temporarily relieved even though the fatigue in the brain was not necessarily cured. Feeling relaxing on the beach, even though in reality you are afraid of drowning because you cannot swim. Usually just playing with the sand to accompany his nephew, because he still does not have a soul mate and baby. Ah really sadistic story, like the song "Sadis" belonging to Afgan.

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As usual, the smartphone was the first thing he checked. Are there any notifications or messages? Not hoping that someone will send WhatsApp, because he don't have a crush girl. It's just business. And actually there is nothing new, all he sees is a row of boring applications and a game that can make heart exercise. Really not very helpful.

Long enough he hold on to a phone whose battery continues weakness, the real problem finally arises. This stomach that does not care about his heart feeling forces it to be filled with food. The intestines begin do demonstration forcing the mind to say "I'm hungry"! The pulse is very felt right above the stomach which actually still looks full.

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The man was forced to get up from the footing of the sofa heaven. His steps began to hunt for food, his eyes began to wander around until the kitchen room, "ah shit, there is no food" he said irritably. Only one chicken egg that he found. It's just that, vegetable oil and dirty frying makes him lazy to cook that lone eggs.

He saw the clock on the wall, the night air called out to him. One to ten steps he managed to do, but the calm atmosphere at outdoor and heavy legs made him turn his way home. In the end he sat back down on that sofa and wrote this lazy tale with a hint of hunger.

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  1. bused nulis lagi lapar aja kok puitis betul mas intan #tepok tangan dong si mbul..terkesima dengan kata kata dalam tiap untaian kalimatnya...khas mas intan banget memang, sudah tidak diragukan lagi :XD

    yauda sinilah kucing oranyenya lempar ke aku aja mas, biar kuadopsi wkwkwk daripada nyakarin sofa ya kan?

    masak telur itu mudah? itu keahlianku #ya Alloh keahlian kok masak telor aja ya saia huahahahhaha

    1. wkwkwk iya dong, kalo ga khas mvak mbul komennya ga bakal panjang

    2. tapi memang betul, postinganmu ada ciri khasnya mas intan, sedikit banyak kalau model tulisan puitis dan kontemplatif memori langsung ingetnya blog sudibjo :)

      salah satu blog yang bagus menurutku, bisa buat latihan bahasa Inggris juga 😊

    3. tok tok...mas intan kemana ya? tumben belum ada tulisan terbaru. Jadi kangen baca postingan yang kata katanya filosofis dan kontemplatif hehehe...ayo mas intan semangat nulis lagi ^^

      tulisanmu bagus bagus loh...:)

  2. Akhirnya rasa lapar pun berubah menjadi sebuah karya tulis yang sangat keren, maka jangan sepelekan rasa lapar 😣🍕

  3. Kalo aku nyetok Indomie mas, jadinya kalo malam malam lapar dan malas keluar tinggal masak mie.😂

    1. kebetulan stok mie instan ku abis

    2. Minta stok tetangga sebelah saja, kalo tetangga nya lagi keluar minta tetangga lainnya lagi.😁

  4. Kalo dua hal ini ku yakin ada kaitan kuatnya.
    Kalau laper udah bisa dipastiin bakalan jadi ngga bisa aktif gerak juga males mau ngapa-ngapain.
    Ngga konsen gitu ...

    1. saya juga nulisnya agak ga konsen haha

    2. Minum axxxx, maaas ...

      Nih, sedotannya 🍼

    3. hari gini pake sedotan? langsung dari sumbernya dong

  5. between lazy and hungry there must be 'gorengan'

  6. If I were you, I'll be eating my hands because of starving kwkwkw

    No food no lifeeee
    Ada gojek!

  7. . Merasa santai di pinggir pantai, padahal kenyataannya takut tenggelam karena tidak bisa berenang >>>he he ... Rasanya ingin bunuh diri tapi nyatanya takut mati. Ya, gantung saja diri di pohon terong. Kwikwik ....

  8. Coba telurnya di rebus mas. Sebutir lumayan ngenyangin. Apalagi pas nunggu telurnya Mateng sambil minum air seteko😁😁

    1. waduh minum air seteko bisa bisa jadi ikan kembung

    2. wkwkwkw yang penting kenyang dulu biar bisa tidur

  9. Kalau malam malas masak telur .. bukannya bisa tuch pesan via online? Misalnya pesan Gofood atau Grabfood? atau udah tutup ya ? Kemaleman sich laparnya.. lainkali sedia roti atau biskuit.. lumayan lho buat ganjel perut yang lapar.

  10. I feel like this is something we have been all feeling a little bit of...a bit lazy at times and hungry.

  11. Kalau sudah malas otomatis lapar dan sebaliknya kalau lapar otomatis malas.


    Mbok ya dicuci toh mas wajannya terus bikin nasi goreng plus telur terus kasi ke saya biar situ tetap lapar 😆😆

    1. Antara terjemahan sama aslinya beda ya, kang jaey mbok ya cuci wajannya, hasil terjemahan jadi mbok ya susun wajannya.😂

  12. Eh aku bbrp kali begitu juga. Apalagi kalo udh kelaperan malam2, tengah malam, tp males mau masak, even hanya Indomie hahahaha. Yg ada ngalihin perhatian Ama membaca novel, main game ato nonton :D. Tapi kalo ga ketahan lapernya, aku slalu guyur Ama air putih, dan biasanya mereda :D

  13. Emang ya, kalau bakat nulis tuh lapar, malas, dan status jomblo pun bisa jadi karya ya, Mas. Eh, tapi ini bukan pengalaman pribadi kan, Mas? Hehehe

    Ngomong-ngomong Mas Intan harus ganti playlist lagu, deh. Jangan dengerin sadisnya Afgan mulu. Btw doi juga punya lagu judulnya jodoh pasti pasti bertemu. Biar gak galau terus. 🤭

  14. Kalau aku sih lebih milih bikin telur dadar aja mas daripada tetap bertahan dengan perut keroncongan hihihi

    Tapi tiap orang beda2 sih ya, ada juga yg kalau lapar malah jadi bisa berkarya wkwkwk

  15. Yes, I can totally relate to hungry and lazy...been there myself a lot recently. Trouble is, in my case lazy always predominates!!😉😂😂😂
    Have a great day, friend🙏🙏

  16. What a funny tale with sofa and one egg to join hunger and lazy. I ll cook the one egg cos I cannot "tahan" being "lapar." When we were kids and my "nenek" was busy, she would mix really hot rice with raw eggs and soy sauce and spring onions. It was delicious and I still make this and eat it thinking very fondly of my "nenek."

  17. Kalau perut sedang lapar rasanya memang malas ya kemana-mana, tapi akhirnya pasti berangkat juga karena ingin makan 😀

  18. Bisa dibilang lapar menghasilkan karya.. Btw kapan update lagi nih?

  19. Ini anak pasti sibuk main game..

  20. Busyet dah..
    Jadi ini maksudnya si penulis lagi laper tapi males, jadinya malah ditulis di blog.

    Bisa kenyang Mas? 🤣

  21. Tau tidak, jika hari ini, jam segini, saya sudah merasakan starving yang sangat karena saya nga sahor wakakakaka bangke

  22. when we are hungry, we become a lazy and grumpy person haha

  23. Hai Mas Sudibjo, apa kabar.
    Keren ini tulisan nya tetap konsisten menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, walaupun tak terlalu faham, paling tidak saya jadi banyak belajar bahasa Inggris heeehe
