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Badminton Should Learn to Football


The excitement that occurred in England was still very warm. The Indonesian badminton contingent was humiliated in front of many people. They laughed silently, and laughed behind the evil curtain. What pathetic that humans, I said.

The older the worse. A proverb deserving for All England competition which is reportedly the oldest badminton tournament in the world. Instead of providing entertainment, they make jokes that are not funny. The audience really wanted to throw sandals and pebbles at the face them.

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The All England organizing committee, BWF (Badminton World Federation) may have changed its name to Badminton Without Fairness, as netizens have nicknamed it. This was followed by their treatment of the Indonesian team who were forced to withdraw from the tournament.

If you are humiliated because you lose a match, it is normal. What is not natural is being humiliated before competing, it is the same as being ridiculed, being bullied, being hearted, those things that make the Indonesian people angry. Who wants to be like that?

Badminton seems to have a lot to learn about organizing tournaments. The Covid-19 pandemic cannot be a scapegoat because all sports are affected. Does BWF like to throw stones then hide the hands? It is time for you to throw towel and learn from your mistakes.

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Let's look at football match where both are treated fairly. The two teams will not compete if one of them has a problem, the manager will not kick the club arbitrarily. They will give the right time to postpone the match.

And solidarity like footballers is not at all implicit in badminton players. I have never heard of a badminton player who withdrew because he felt there was some form of injustice in a tournament. If there, let me know!

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  1. kok aku belum tahu berita tentang ini ya mas intan, coba deh takgoogling dulu....ketinggalan inpoh saiaaa ada berita hangat dari ranah olahraga dengan media shuttle cock ini. Tapi memang sih saya akui paling males dengan tipikal orang yang suka mengejek atau mengolok-olok. Ga di dunia penonton olahraga saja sih. Orang biasa pun banyak bahkan dari kalangan netizen dunia maya. Duh ya males betul kalau ketemu yang begituan. Apa ya...timbang ga pernah ketemu muka tapi berani betul ngejek atau menghina teman lainnya (dipikirnya biar kelihatan keren), padahal ga sama sekali hehe. Malah terlihat menyedihkan karena hobinya membuat orang lain sedih iya ga sih wkwkkwk

  2. Iya, ya, kurasakan kok BWF ini kayak lempar batu sembunyi tangan. Gak tanggung jawab banget. Padahal, turnamen ini udah berlangsung sejak zaman baheula. Kok bisa-bisanya panitianya setidakrapi itu?

  3. Sudah minta maaf ke presiden dan rakyat Indonesia pun rasanya tetap ikutan keseeell ya.. semoga para pemain kita tetap juara mentalnya utk menghadapi turnamen2 di masa akan datang

  4. Ikut kesel juga saya kang ketika dengar tim bulutangkis Indonesia dikeluarkan dari kejuaraan All England karena satu pesawat dengan penumpang yang positif covid 19.

  5. There are many ways to settle problems. Mis-understandings do happen and problems can always be settle amiably, so that no parties get humiliated.

  6. Sampai saat ini saya masih bingung kenapa mereka melakukan hal-hal di luar akal sehat itu.. Memalukan sekali...

  7. Wah, kayaknya saya ketinggalan berita. Baru tahu kekisruhan ini. Selamat malam, ananda Sudibjo.

  8. Yang saya tangkap nih, ini sebab aturan dari Pemerintah Inggris, namun ada miss komunikasi yg terjadi di BWF. Jadilah tim Indonesia gagal bertanding..

  9. Dulu biasanya aku ngikutin tentang badminton, Mas. Tapi sayangnya sekarang udah gak terlalu ngikutin lagi. Jadi adanya kejadian ini aku gak tau. 🥺

    Btw jahat banget, sih, mereka.. Aku jadi ikutan kesel sama mereka setelah baca ini, mas. 😭
