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When Religion Is Used to Sins


Religion is a belief that is believed by most humans as a guide to the right path. The real path, the way that is loved by God, which is go away from sin.

The more deepened the knowledge of religion, people are also believed to be closer to their God. This is really really close. No need to be able to see and feel, God's servants will feel at peace when they are in God's blessing.

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When these pious humans were serious about getting closer to their God, their brothers and sisters actually betrayed the sacred teachings they believed in.

In this increasingly greedy age, humans are competing to deepen their sins by capitalizing on the religion they deny. This world already closed the hearts of those who are immersed in temporary heaven.

Temporary heaven is indeed very alluring with promising pleasures in sight. People are like monkeys who steal foods from the turtle in the farmer's garden. His bad luck had already been laid out before their eyes. Until come out the adage that says "The sin is tasteless".

Because of its tasteless taste, humans never satisfied and continue to increase their sin. Various methods are used only for the sake of fulfilling their pleasures in the world, including by pawning their religion.

In Indonesia, several years ago there was corruption which hurt many people who intend to perform Umrah and Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, Arabia. On the pretext of religious travel companies, they managed to deceive Muslims in the country.

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In addition, there are also cases of polygamy that went viral some time ago. This of course was protested by many people even though in Islamic law polygamy is allowed. Many think that this is a trick for those who are thirsty for worldly lust.

This was exacerbated by the sticking of an article on the internet where an underage girl was wearing bridal makeup. As it is known that underage marriage is prohibited in Indonesia.

Do not to forget that yesterday there were cases of illegal use of dinars and dirhams in Indonesia. Many people were seduced by the pretext that according to religious guidance in using this dinar and dirham. In fact, they were actually being used by people and the beneficiary of exchanging rupiah for dinars and dirhams was him, who was now arrested by the police.

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  1. Pada akhirnya, keserakahan akan berujung penderitaan ya mang, mereka harus berani mempertanggungjawabkan apa yang telah mereka perbuat.

  2. Memang sekarang ada beberapa orang yang menjual agama untuk kepentingan pribadi mereka, sudah tidak takut lagi akan dosa.

  3. Aaahhh tulisan yg bagus mas :). Mewakili hati orang2 yg udah benciii banget Krn agama selalu dibawa2 utk ngelakuin perbuatan dosa mereka. Eneg aku Ama orang2 begitu. Dan gara2 mereka nih, jujur aku jd susah percaya dengan segala macam bisnis yg bawa2 agama.

  4. When growing in your faith makes you uncomfortable
    Mungkin perilaku orang yang bawa agama jadi salah satu alasannya

  5. terlalu banyak berita viral justru aku malah semakin pusing mas...biasanya langsung kuskip saja, dan lebih memilih nonton iklan...hohooooo

  6. Manusia oh manusia. Bahkan agama pun dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan duniawi. Nutupin dosa dengan agama. Lah gimana?

    1. yang benar bersihkan dosa dengan beragama yang benar

  7. What's lacking in this post is the definition of sin. You'll find that it has different meaning in different religions and cultures. Which is a sin and which is not? What are the references? Is it universal? Do all religions and cultures accept it? But just as the main character browsed his careful thoughts in "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky, one can't help thinking that he/she is right when describing it, and later becoming horrified that a sin to one man may not be one to another.

    1. I am happy that there are thoughts like this, so that this post can be developed

  8. Miris banget Mas.
    Agama malah dijadikan sebagai jalan untuk berbuat dosa. ☹️

  9. agama dan ibadah hanya karena mengharap ridha Nya tidak boleh karena tujuan dunia

  10. kalau di sini kami gelar golongan ini: penunggang agama...

    1. saya tak tahu apa sebenarnya ada dalam kepala penunggang agama ini. adakah mereka tidak kenal halal haram?

    2. tentunya mereka tahu tapi mereka tidak mau tahu

  11. Semua agama ajar kita buat baik kepada orang lain, tetapi memang ada orang who will misuse agama for their own benefit.

  12. polygamy was manipulated and there is so many bad examples nowadays we can see.. :(

  13. Haii mas, sedikit berkomentar.
    Terkait pernikahan di bawah umur yang viral, apakah itu Aisha Wedding? Nampaknya itu dibuat oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab yaak. Maksudnya, mungkin, itu hanya cari sensasi doang. Acaranya tidak benar-benar ada. Ingat klepon tidak islami? polanya sama. Dibuat oleh seorang Anonim, kemudian diviralkan untuk..... kembali menyudutkan Islam.

    Kedua, terkait dinar dan dirham. Yaa bener sih, penggunaannya sebenernya ilegal di Indonesia, harusnya kita hanya boleh gunakan Rupiah. Tapi di sisi lain, nampaknya ada hal hal yang tidak adil pula, apabila kita ajukan suatu argumen baru. Bagimana dengan penggunaakn koin di timezone, atau penggunaan dolar di Bali untuk transaksi? padahal konsepnya jg sama

    1. penggunaan koin di timezone dan dollar di bali sudah sesuai dengan aturan yanh berlaku, sementara dirham dinar yang dibuat oleh zaim saidi itu melanggar aturan sehingga dia ditangkap polisi. selengkapnya silakan baca di portal berita terkait

  14. Ya begitulah kelakuan sebagian manusia. Agama bukan kuda tapi selalu ditunggangi...
