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Rain and Melting Ice


Rain brings grace, rain brings beauty, rain brings blessings, and rain brings another goodness. Maybe it's a delusion implied by every human being who hopes for that miracle of God to come down that can soak a country in the blink of an eye.

Rain is indeed a blessing for thirsty living beings like forests and their contents. Rain is also a gift that is sent down so that humans can live longer. However, sometimes the rain causes a disaster.

Read Making Pentol Jontor and Seblak

In this world there is such a thing as the law of action and reaction. Every action will produce a reaction, and a reaction will cause another reaction. This law can also be called cause and effect. Natural laws that already existed before humans discovered their own laws.

Like rain as an action, it will cause various reactions in the world. For example humans, they will be busy looking for a place to take shelter when water droplets fall from the sky.

Some people may have realized that after seeing the forecast that it would rain, they swiftly opened their umbrellas without fear. There are also those who are ready to wear raincoats before traveling on motorbikes. Do not forget also for those who are increasingly lazy to leave the house.

Read also The Blunt Little Hoe

On the other hand, there are also who dare to try their luck against the rain. Although this natural phenomenon did not cause flood or landslide, it was still a disaster for them. Something that is unexpected but must still be forced.

These ice traders were only able to lament their fate when their ice began to melt unsold. When the weather is cold in rains, it's very unlikely that people will buy ice snacks. People also don't want to add to the cold load because ice foods even though it's delicious.

At times like this the mentality of an ice merchant is tested. The rainy season is very impartial for them. However, there will always be crazy people who love ice even when it's cold weather. There the adage "sustenance will not go anywhere" will proven.

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  1. I love the rain and when it rains which usually happens rarely here, I love to be in the rain.

  2. aku tetep makan es krim meski hari hujan

    waktu kecil aku sering ujan ujanan...kecehan sampe telapak kaki gemeteran hohoho...untung aja ga sampe ada geludug

  3. Dan .. pepatah itu memang ada buktinya.
    Contohnya ya, mas .. , sodaraku usahanya jualan es kayak kafe sederhana rumahan gitu, tapi meski musim hujan pun rameeee terus jadi tongkrongan anak muda.

    1. kalo ada tongkrongan gitu memang makan es pun bukan masalah

    2. Wuaah .. ckckck ..
      Musim hujan berani minum es .., tapi giklliran mandi ... ogaah, wwkkk

    3. hehehe bisa jadi sama dengan aku

  4. es itu sebenarnya tak mengenal musim
    demikian juga gorengan karena semua punya selera masing masing
    cuma kalau pas hujan ya agak dkurangi juga si makan es ini

  5. hujan ke... ribut ke... kalau dah suka ice, orang tetap akan pilih... sentiasa ada demand ;-)

    1. make sure ice dibuat daripada air yang dimasak. if not ada yang sakit perut / cirit birit nanti😆

    2. nahh iya.. beware from using 'es balok' for fish cooling

    3. you're right. kadang ada sesetengah orang tak mengambil berat kebersihan ice. baginya yang penting sejuk... 'i cannot brain' hahaha

  6. Ada tetanggaku yang jualan es kelapa muda, musim hujan begini tetap ada pembelinya biarpun tentu saja tidak selaris kalo musim panas. Rejeki memang tidak akan kemana-mana.

  7. They say rain is the tears of angels. But it is also the crystal lenses that create rainbow. How sadness and happiness are two sides of a coin in life.

    1. true, there are always good and bad. all in pairs

  8. Walaupun hujan tidak benjana bagi sebagian orang, tapi musibah besar bagi tukang es dan tukang cendol. Kasian, ya ananda Sudibjo.

  9. Aku kecilnya di kampung mas, kalau ujan seneng banget mainan hujan, kecehan bahasa jawanya, sampe menggigil dan kumel hahahha.

    Sampe skrg aku suka bgt es krim, wlpn hujan kalau lg pengen es krim ya beli wkwkwk

  10. Rasa khas Es dung2 yang dijajakan keliling emang ga bisa digantikan dengan eskrim jenis lain ya.. Mungkin karena faktor kenangannya.

  11. es dan dinginnya hujan saling menyatu jika dinikmati, asik, jangan lupa sediakan kopi agar nikmatnya hidup lebih terasa

  12. Ada aksi tentu ada reaksi, meski kadang ada yang menangis karenanya, eh?

  13. Kalo di Jepang, cuaca dingin justru mereka minum yg dingin. Even es krim laku dijual saat winter. Kalo kata org lokal, memang seharusnya begitu. Jd tenggorokan kita ga iritasi Krn mengalami perbedaan suhu ekstrem. Kalo suhu dingin, ya minum dingin. Kalo panas sebaliknya. Itu kata org lokal yg aku tanya, Krn pas aku kesana winter, di semua restoran mereka menyediakan air es gratis utk pembelinya . Makanya aku tanya kenapa air es :D.

    Tapi aku sendiri ga terlalu suka hujan. Basah, apalagi kalo turun pagi2 pas mau kerja :p. Kalo turunnya sore pulang kantor gpp deh. Udh mau pulang ini. Pernah juga aku kejebak banjir yg surut Ampe 3 hari pas di Banda Aceh. Makanya aku ga terlalu suka pas udh memasuki musim hujan :D

    1. baru tahu saya mbak, logikanya masuk diakal sih soal membasahi tenggorokan :D

  14. nah kata orang orang disekitarku sini, musim ujan pedagang es agak sepi, etapi aku malah demen beli es aja. Mungkin kesannya kalau minum es enakan pas siang terik, tapi kalau lagi ngidam, entah itu musim hujan ya tetep dibeli aja

  15. Hujan membawa rezeki... Hujan membawa berkah....
    Tapi kalau hujan terus deras lagi nggak bisa kemana-mana ..
    Kalau hujan duit mau.. wkwkwkw

    1. tapi kalo duitnya koin bisa ancur atap rumah bun wkwkwk
