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Delayed Smile and Ambiguous Cues


Face is an identity for every human being. Be it bad or beautiful, a person's face has their own charm. The ugly need not be inferior and the charming need not be condescending. Whatever the color of the face, everything is the same, only art created by God.

Inside the facial carving, there are lips that can give an impression called a smile. Something that is very soothing to someone's heart. Because the impression given is so deep, a sincere smile is a very expensive thing. Only a cheap smiling person can show a sweet smile every day.

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Even so, a smile is just a smile. Like a human face that cannot only be judged from the outside, a person's smile can have various meanings. People who smile are not necessarily kind, but good people always smile. But that doesn't mean a quiet person is a bad person, it's just that it's better to be quiet than fake smile.

In this time of the corona pandemic, smiles become rare things. The mask that covered half the human face was forced to delay people's smiles. The impression which has many meanings cannot be conveyed properly. Even though your teeth were open, that radiant face could not be seen by others.

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The noise full of boredom squealed even more while banging on the door of freedom. They are tired of the virus that curbs their sweet smiles. Even though it will not long more, delaying this smile was more painful than delaying hunger.

We are tired of interpreting the ambiguous cues under the masks of everyone we meet on the street.

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  1. Yes, it has been strange not being able to see anyone's smile this past year, hasn't it!
    I guess we have all had to learn to smile with our eyes instead of our mouths!😉
    I wonder how long it will be before we will see a whole human face again...

    Have a great day 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Ah ... I've been told and experienced that smile can be felt through phone calls. Even when you hear a person talking by phone you can feel their smile, so why not when the other wears a mask? I have seen that a modest change in the eyes or wrinkles have sent powerful effect for us when everyone wears a mask. You can notice that they are smiling just by seeing the movement of their facial muscles. The only thing that can not be conveyed clearly when wearing a mask is a whisper.

    1. top comment.

      some people are able to express and read such body language, but not all of them

  3. Meskipun pake masker tp senyum tetap terlihat kok mas, hihihi, kalaupun senyumnya ga terlihat bisa digantikan dgn sedikit menundukkan kepala, aku biasanya gitu.

    Semoga pandemi cpt berakhir biar no masker masker lagi, akupun udah kangen lihat senyum orang2 yg sesungguhnya, bukan dibalik masker

  4. kalau tak dapat berikan senyuman melalui ekspresi wajah, cubalah buat sesuatu yang boleh buatkan orang lain tersenyum (melalui sumbangan, sedekah, kerja amal etc.)

    1. tak tahulah kenapa, saya tak boleh comment pada previous entry...

    2. hmm mungkin sedang error, mohon maaf bun

    3. cara lain menunjukkan senyum yang sangat baik

    4. it's okay. saya boleh tersenyum lagi haha

  5. senyumanku tulus lho...untuk orang orang yang baik terhadapku tentu senyuman tulusku akan terpancar dengan sendirinya #eiiiitsssss hahahha

    ya paragraf awal aku suka tuh...yang perlu diunderline adalah tidak diperkenankan kita saling merendahkan orang lainnya hanya karena fisik...karena kalau iya maka akan sangat terasa pretty hurt...deep down inside...terlebih dengan orang yang tidak kita kenal secara mendalam bahkan bertemu saja belum pernah, harus bisa bersikap baik, minimal kalau tidak bisa bersikap manis, kita seyogyanya tidak pernah melukai perasaan orang lain ya kaaan #sailah...nah pesan dari paragraf awal memang kena banget sih buatku...as usual Mas Intan mah jagonya dalam permainan kata? Apakah ada titisan pujangga dalam darahmu Mas? Hahahhahah

    very contemplatif Mas..

  6. Yeah kind of sad that we can't see people's smiles because of the masks we have to wear.

  7. Tapi aku merasa ada sesuatu yang lain dibalik wajah seseorang yang mengenakan masker, saat mereka tersenyum sepertinya mereka memiliki paras yang jauh lebih cantik dari biasanya. Entah ini hanya perasaan saya saja ataukah mang admin juga merasakan hal yang sama?

  8. I often forget that I have a mask and I smile to someone hehe 😘

  9. Memang sulit bila harus tetpaksa senyum sementara di dalam hati berkata lain. Selama pandemi memang jarang kita mendapati senyum bahagia. Maklumlah keadaan pandemi yang memaksa orang jadi demikian.
    Tetapi senyumlah sebelum senyum itu dilarang..
    Senyum itu juga pahala.
    Ada lagunya ..Keep smiling.. keep shining..

  10. sekarang senyum bisa ditandai dari mata saja ya bang yang berubah ya demikianlah harus dijalani

  11. Pakai masker yg ada gambar bibir tersenyum aja mas, ada banyak tuh variasi masker. Kalo perlu gambar wajah kita lagi ketawa disablon ke kain, terus dijadiin masker 😆

  12. Sekarang ini kita belajar senyum yg terpancar sampai mata :). Pas msh kerja di bank, aku pernah ditegur Ama nasabah prioritas. Katanya, aku memang tersenyum, tapi ga sampai ke mata. Mataku dingin dia bilang :p.

    Kalo dipikir, ya dia bener. Karna saat itu aku cuma senyum basa basi. Ga terlalu fokus Ama yg dia omongin, jd senyumanku cm sampe bibir, ga menyentuh mata :D.

    Sejak ditegur itu, aku berusaha maksimal saat serve All customers, and giving my best smile :D. Senyum tulus yg sampai ke mata :) . Skill itu jd berguna di saat sdg pakai masker gini. Temen2 tau aku beneran senyum ato ga :D. Mereka bisa liat dr mataku yg biasanya menyipit kalo udah beneran senyum ato ketawa 😁

    1. wah kalo saya disenyumin sampe gitu bisa bisa ga bisa tidur deh wkwkwk

  13. Smile is melody of the soul.. You can never hide what's going on. Your smile tells everyone.
