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Why Afraid of Corona Vaccines?


If we look at the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic, we can see various ironics that have occurred in this new normal era. One thing that makes my lips stick out is the response of a number of people to the vaccine to deal with this corona virus outbreak.

There are four types of humans who have different responses to this corona vaccine. First, those who are looking forward to the presence of this antivirus. These people really understand how important this vaccine is for human survival.

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The second type of human is those who respond to the corona vaccine as usual. They believe that one day the corona pandemic will end. The presence of a vaccine against Covid-19 is not something special for them. Humans like this tend to follow the existing path.

What about the third, this group is actually almost similar to the second group, it's just that their fear of things that is not sure makes them less confident about the vaccine. Of course, they also wanted this pandemic to end, but her fear swallowed her courage.

The fourth is parasites for humans. These people take advantage of the uncertainty and fear of the third group for their own benefit. This group is very different from the first human type. They are not pessimistic, but they are criminals who spread lies about the corona virus vaccine.

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If you see cases in the third group, why are you afraid of the corona vaccine? Haven't we been often vaccinated since childhood? Did you forget the polio vaccine, measles vaccine, and other vaccines? Initially there were no vaccines, but now that antivirus are very helpful and protect humans from extinction.

You must always remember that death is God's decision and nothing in this world is perfect. It is like boarding an airplane which is a vehicle with the highest security, if God do something, humans is not be able to do anything. But let's see the positive side, how many people were helped by the plane.

Humans have the right to be afraid, but we also have to be brave.

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  1. Keren mang quotesnya, saya suka; Manusia memang berhak takut, tapi kita harus berani. Takut itu manusiawi, tapi keberanian akan mampu mengusir rasa takut.

    Terkait vaksin Corona, buang rasa takut, ambil sisi baiknya, semoga setelah di vaksin nanti, sistem kekebalan tubuh akan makin meningkat dan tubuh yang sehat tidak mudah terserang berbagai jenis penyakit termasuk virus Corona

  2. Saya mungkin jenis golongan pertama yang menanti2kan vaksin ini. Ya semoga cepat aja terealisasikan, tervaksin semuanya.

  3. harus berani di vaksin
    biar kebal

  4. Tapi ingat,
    Tak semua orang bisa divaksin.
    Orang yang punya bawaan alergi, rematik & beberapa hal lainnya tubuh tidak bisa di vaksin.

    Jadi, bukan berarti menolak di vaksin tapi lihat kondisi tubuh seseorang :)

    1. kalo itu kan emang prosuder vaksinnya, tenaga medisnya juga tau batasannya

  5. Aku tetmasuk kelompok kedua. Merasa biasa tapi ingin juga ingin di vaksin . Agar merasa aman. Presiden mengumumkan gratis untuk masyarakat. Tapi nggak tahu lagi prakteknya sampai di daerah. Moga-moga aja kalau divaksin benar-benar gratis ya.

    1. kalo ada yg nyuruh bayar langsung viralkan aja, biar ditangkap orangnya

  6. A really great and informative post...many thanks, my friend!
    Sadly, I have seen too much of your fourth category of human beings...namely, those exploiting the pandemic for their own gain.😬
    Speaking (or, rather, typing!😉) for myself...if I am someday offered the vaccine, then I will definitely accept it! 😊😊

    Stay safe, and have a good weekend 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Aku sepertinya golongan yang kedua, senang vaksin ada tapi tidak terlalu girang amat sih. Kalo nanti ada vaksinasi gratis mau saja tapi kalo bayar ya mikir dulu harganya.😂

  8. Jaman semakin modern. Segala info bisa dengan benas kita peroleh. Saya rasa ketakutan2 ini akibat dari propaganda oknum2 yang memanfaatkan kran informasi yg benas itu..

  9. very interesting info! Thanks for sharing


  10. Jangan kuatir, aku tipe yg ga sabaaaar banget mau divaksin :D. Especially utk anak2ku dan dua asistenku yg blm kena. Aku dan suami walo udh kena, tp aku ttp mau di vaksin mas, supaya LBH yakin. Aku ga masalah utk bayar, asal bisa divaksin. Yg sudah kena tidak diharuskan, Krn ingin ksh kesempatan buat yg belum kan ya?

    Makanya aku sabar nunggu, sampe tiba giliran vaksin berbayar :D. Tujuanku jelas, aku udh kangen banget mau traveling bebas.

    1. bener mbak, rasanya sudah muak harus pake masker segala macem haha
