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Types of Mosquitoes Based on their Likings


The saying goes that enemies can be friends and friends can be enemies. Maybe it can be pinned on the bunch of insects that always disturb your existence. Even though it looks pushy, but in my opinion that term is legitimate.

Mosquitoes are like ants that both have many colonies. It's just that ants are more able to co-exist with humans even though in fact they sometimes unconsciously harm each other. But the mosquito is worse, everyday biting until it becomes the top human enemy.

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Let's put those natural laws aside. Animals and insects are mindless and humans are not perfect beings. Even though some say that humans are perfect creatures, in fact only God is the owner of that perfection.

It seems like I have no end to review about this mosquito, as you know every day my feet and hands become their blood donors. Because of that I understand some mosquito likings.

First, mosquitoes like the skin that is exposed wide when wearing shorts. Calves to lower leg will be the target of bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Likewise when wearing a T-shirt or open sleeves. They are also ready to give their sweet kiss.

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The second is the nuisance mosquito. Actually, this mosquito never attacks our body, but its behavior is quite disturbing. Its small body and speed above other mosquitoes make it difficult for people to punch it with bare hands. His job is just flying in an uncertain direction and its sound heard clearly by your ears.

The third is the hair-loving mosquito. This mosquito has an affinity for human hair, let alone long hair. Based on what I have read, mosquitoes really like oily parts of the human body and hair is one of them. His behavior is almost the same as the second type, really disturbing during sleep.

Fourth, the criminal mosquito. This type of mosquito has advantages that are far different from its friends. Like being born a true predator, this type is like a mixture of the first and second type but without noisy. Their specialty is biting his prey when off guard. These mosquitoes are not easy to kill, they seem to have extraordinary instincts and sensitivity.

As a simple example, the mosquito will not land or bite in the area that is visible to your eyes. They knows that you are waiting and watching him. But they will become vampires when you let your guard down, like playing games or watching videos. What a clever mosquito.

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  1. Yes mosquitoes are super clever and know when to attack...hahaha.

  2. oo pandai rupanya nyamuk ini ya hahaha

  3. Bermanfaat, salam kenal mampir ya ke rumahfiksi.com makasih

  4. nyamuknya bagaikan vampir ya mas siap memberikan ciuman manis hahhahahah

    ya memang kalau sudah urusan dengan nyamuk sayapun emosi jiwa apalagi kalau pas lagi gatel gatelnya nyamuk masuk ke rumah karena ada bagian ventilasi rumah saya yang udara terbukanya agak gede jadi nyamuk klo malem aduuuh langsung brellllll masuk

    nah klo pas apes obat nyamuk elektriknya abis yaudah deh wassalam bakal seharian ditemenin nyamuk dan kulit jadi sasarannya huhu

    1. sebenarnya anti nyamuk elektrik kurang efektif kalo menurut saya

  5. Yes, I sometimes think mosquitoes are more intelligent than we humans in some ways! They certainly are tricky creatures!😉😂

  6. nyamuk Indonesia lebih jahat menggigitnya ya

    1. entah mas, soalnya saya belum pernah ke luar negeri

  7. Meski begitu, saya paling menaruh prihatis dengan nyamuk. Untuk mencari makan saja jaminannya nyawa melayang.. Sedih aku..

  8. You learn something new everyday, interesting post!

  9. Nyamuk pintar dan nyamuk nakal tidak membuat saya tertarik, hal istimewa yang membuat saya kagum adalah gaya akang menulis. Entah kenapa saya terlalu kagum sama logika akang. Keren menurut saya

    Mari kita kesampingkan hukum alam itu. Hewan dan serangga tidak memiliki pikiran dan manusia bukanlah makhluk yang sempurna. Meskipun ada yang mengatakan bahwa manusia adalah makhluk yang sempurna, nyatanya hanya Tuhan yang memiliki kesempurnaan itu.

    Paragraf di atas logika yang sangat keren, diksi yang mantul sekali kang... Apa tipsnya kang, ini bukan pura - pura tapi jujur saya suka bangat dengan silogisme dan diksi yang akang pakai bagi saya keren dan cerdas, suka bangat...sorry komentarnya di luar topik kang... karena rasa kagum ini yang membuat saya bicara di luar topik hehehe, sukses selalu kang... salam sehat..

    1. waduh saya jadi malu, dipuji terus sama pak guru hihi

      saya cuma menuliskan apa yang ada di kepala aja sih, ga ada trik apapun

    2. Kerendahan hati yang layak diapresiasi. Saya tidak memuji kang, hanya bicara berdasarkan apa yang saya rasakan hehehe ^^^

  10. Sebenarnya ada alat canggih semacam lampu, aku lupa nonton dimana, alat ini membuat nyamuk tertarik mengerumuni alat dan bikin dia mati.

    Hanya saja kalau ga salah kita dilarang membunuh nyamuk dgn cara dibakar atau disetrum dgn raket, mnyetrum ini dikategorikan membakar juga dan termasuk alat diatas jg spertinya metodenya membakar. Hanya Allah yg boleh membakar mahluknya, sesama mahluk tdk boleh saling membakar.

    Pakai lotion aja kali kang kalau mmg terlalu mengganggu atau gk pakai kelambu tp mgkn nyamuk ikut kedalam kelambu 😂😂

    1. terus gimana buat yg suka bakar ayam, bakar ikan, nah

    2. Wah klo itu aku kurang tau mas, ini khusus buat nyamuk aja mgkn 😂😂

  11. Wwkkkk ...
    Anda memang jeli ahli dalam bidang gigit menggigit ..., egh* ahli pernyamukan maksudku ..

  12. Paling jengkel klo nyamuk yg gigit punggung, mana gatel bgt. Tangan mau geplak ga nyampek
