Who knows where it starts the bumps on the road are named as sleep police. Indonesians do have many stories but they are not accompanied by sufficient analogies to unravel them. Stories, names, titles, origins are indeed important identities, but living what is there is more important than anything. That is the reason why we should walk with our eyes in front, not backwards.
Likewise, when we pass a fairly large speed bump, it takes patience and caution so that our vehicles don't get scuffed due to the shock. Ahh .. really troublesome, but that's the situation, like life that does need a little struggle for a smooth road without obstacles.
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Apart from the philosophy of the writing above, the existence of speed bumps is indeed quite helpful even though it is a bit inconvenient. With bumps on the road, it makes drivers who are often reckless in fast driving think twice before accelerating their vehicle speed. This can reduce the risk of accidents on the road.
Of course the application of speed bumps has rules. The speed bumps must resemble a trapezoid with a maximum height of 12 cm, the slanted sides have the same slope for a maximum of 15 percent, and a flat top width of at least 15 cm. The rules for making speed bumps are in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No 3 of 1994 concerning Controlling and Safety Equipment for Road Users.
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But unfortunately many do not know these rules so that many residents make sleep police at will. People who care about the roads in their hometowns begun to build bumps of various kinds, from very small to large ones, which are perfect for crashing the cover of motorbikes and sedan car chassis.
Not only that, in some areas it is even more annoying. Speed bumps were built on the middle uphill road. You can imagine if using an old motorbike with outdated engine capabilities. It feels tortured to pass the incline in which there is a speed bump in the middle. Absolutely useless.
There are also those who build speed bumps with a very close distance, less than five meters there is already a bump again. A very tough trial for motorists who are in a hurry to want to relieve themselves, what a pity.
There is also a funny thing, where they force to making sleep police by relying on large ropes and thick wood. It looks creative but it's too much. Usually this happens near the school area and when there is a celebration event. Ahh .. what a useless speed bump.
Maybe you have experienced cringe when you hear the bottom of your vehicle touching the bumps. Krakkk ...!
Aku juga kesal kalau nemu jalanan yang dipasang polisi tidur terbuat dari kayu.
ReplyDeleteNgerusak bamper kendaraan :( !
DeleteTernyata kemampuan Bahasa Inggris saya masih labil. Agak bingung dengan kata tertentu (tidak usah saya jelaskan, malu atuh), namun saya baru paham arti kata itu lewat tulisan ini, aduh mama sayang e... belajar terus tapi ga paham - paham. Thanks mas Intan ada hal istimewa dan positif dari tulisan ini. Tidak perlu saya jelaskan malu atuh hehehe....
ReplyDeletePolisi tidur kok ga bangun - bangu ya hehehe...
Uraiannya cerdas, menurut saya... keren kang, semangat terus ya...
sebenarnya saya pake google translate cuma saya rewrite lagi biar enak pas diterjemahkan
DeleteCaranya bagaimana mas? #serius nanya mas.
Deletegampang sih, pertama tulisan kita translate ke inggris, hasil dari translate itu kita terjemahin balik ke Indonesia, jika translate nya rancu kita bisa langsung perbaiki sedikit. begitu
DeleteWah aku baru tau, ternyata pakemgoogle translate, jd mas intan ga langsng nulis dlm english ya. Nice tips..
DeleteKlo aku kelemahannya pas nulis english itu masalah spelling. Nulis Bahasa indinonesia aja aku sering typo 😅
sekarang Google translate sudah lebih baik dibandingkan awal awal, don't worry
Deletebelum lancar saya nulis langsung pake english wkwkwk
Deletea few days ago i saw a video on twitter where there are two 'bule' doing cosplay as a speedbump, that was so hilarious! lolololol
ReplyDeletewhat? maybe them are trying spiritual test
DeleteNoo, they were sun bathing at the middle of the road. They blocked the road, so the locals, with their motorcycle keep rode forward, run over them, wkwkwk, and the bule could only shout ' fu*k you' , wkwkwk you must watch it!
Deletewkwkwk sun bathing tingkat dewa
Deletekalau yang pakai mobil type rendah macam sedan memang alamak sekali itu pas ngegajluk terutama yang gundukannya lumayan tinggi kayak gunungan hahhaha
ReplyDeletetapi kalau yang di tol ada area kasarnya lumayan ngebantu biar ga bikin ngantuk pas kecepatan tinggi...eling sama kecepatan :D
memang ada beberapa tipe gundukan sih
DeleteKalau gundukannya pendek sih bener ya polisi duduk. Kalau yg tinggi itu lebih cocok polisi duduk kayaknya. Gajlokannya kerasa bgt😄
ReplyDeletesepertinya mbak anggun typo nih hehe
DeleteYang mana typonya mas? 🤭🤭
DeleteKalau gundukannya pendek sih bener ya polisi duduk.
DeleteWah nyebelin banget itu ya gan, ada yg jaraknya pendek2, sampai2 polisi tidurnya kayak gelombang. Ada yg ditanjakan, berbahaya itu bisa2 kecelakaan.
ReplyDeleteAparat gada yg tau ya? harus segera di tertibkan itu baiknya xixixi
mungkin aparatnya malas hehhe
Deletebila saya baca entry ini, saya terus teringat 1 kisah yang baru berlaku di malaysia dan ia jadi viral disebabkan 'bumper' (bonggol) hahaha
ReplyDeletekisahnya ada di sini: https://www.funtasticko.net/terganggu-dengan-bunyi-bising-lelaki-bina-11-bonggol-jalan-tepi-rumah-mohon-maaf/
Deleteterima kasih sudah berbagi
DeleteThe idea of creating speed bumps is so cleaver. I like that they exist!
ReplyDeleteyes, great founder
DeleteKadang suka kesal, hanya ketika benda ini tidak ada dan orang lalu lalang dengan ngebut apalagi knalpot bung bang, saya akhirnya setuju dengan adanya barang ini.
ReplyDeletesemuanya pasti ada plus minus nya
Deletehigher bump is bad ...indeed.
ReplyDeletenice post
DeleteWe have these speed bumps here also...in some places too many of them! Haha
ReplyDeleteWhile, as you say, they do stop people speeding dangerously...too many of them do damage our vehicles, especially the ones that ride low on the road like many sports cars. 🙄
A necessary nuisance, I guess!😉
A great post, my friend...many thanks!
Take care and have a great day 🙏🙏
haha thank you
Deletehell for sport cars
be wise there
Beberapa tahun lalu, polisi tidur depan rumah saya sering menyebabkan kecelakaan. Sayangnya si pembuatnya tidak diproses secara hukum. Hanya disuruh bongkar saja.
ReplyDeletewah bahaya juga tuh
DeleteIni di kompl rumahku tiap 30 meter ada speed bumps. Serius aku ga ngerti apa gunanya dibuat dlm jarak sependek itu -_- . Ngerti sih itu komplek, tapi ga lebay gitu juga yg jaraknya deketan.
ReplyDeleteTrus ga pake cat penanda pula. Pas msh baru2 tinggal di sana, aku selalu lupa ada speed bumps di situ. Alhasil jadi kaget
Trus pas msh ngantor, ada speed bumps buta di Deket Kemayoran, yg mau mengarah ke gunung sehari. Jadi awalnya flyover, trus turun ke bawah, naaah di ujung turunan itu ada speed bumps yg tinggi, dan ga kliatan blaaasss. Jd pas aku naik gojek, dia kecepatan tinggi pula, aku lompat dr dudukan jadinya. Untung aku sempet pegangan si driver, dan si mas nya bisa jaga keseimbangan, jd kami g jatuh. Tapi sejak itu aku slalu wanti2 driver gojek kalo lewat sana hrs pelan. Ga tau deh skr tuh speedbumps nya udh diperbaikin ato setidaknya di cat biar kliatan ato ga.aku udh ga kerja lagi soalnya
ngeselin emang kalo ada speedbump ga sesuai aturan, yg ada malah membahayakan
Deletehaii mas joe..
ReplyDeleteyaa saya kurang sepakat sih tentang polisi tidur gitu yg kalo kebanyakan malah buat kita susah kan ahhaa
gali mas polisi tidurnya
DeleteSpeed bump is useful when you want to ensure that passing cars (in your neighborhood) reduce their speed and therefore reduce the probability of accident. However, it is true that many communities (or warga RT) do not know (or care about) the standard measurement of speed bump. Well, that makes the rule that you can not cruise down a new area without careful attention to the road.
ReplyDeletethank you for explaining :)