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The Crash of Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 Airplane

Screenshoot from YouTube about Falling Sriwijaya Air SJ 182

The Sriwijaya Air commercial airplane with flight code SJ 182 on Jakarta-Pontianak route was reported to have fallen in the waters of Kepulauan Seribu, Saturday (9/1/2021) noon. The plane was previously said to have lost contact minutes after takeoff.

After being traced, the plane of the Sriwijaya Air airline that crashed is made by Boeing company with the type 737-500 registration code PK-CLC.

The Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 aircraft was known to carry 62 people, namely 6 active crew and 56 passengers (46 adults, 7 children, 3 babies). In addition, the airline was scheduled to fly from Jakarta at 13.25 WIB, but had to delay.

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"That there has been a lost contact on the Sriwijaya aircraft on the Jakarta-Pontianak route with the SJ 182 call sign. The last contact occurred at 14:40 WIB. We are also concerned about this incident," said Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi in a press conference.

The news of this plane crash has gone viral since yesterday and it is reported that the existence of black box of SJ 182 has been found by the authorities along with the wreckage of that plane.

But what was even more touching for me was when I saw a fragment of news footage on YouTube about the victim's last video. In the video, it appears that the weather before the departure of the SJ 182 plane was really very bad.

This of course raises a lot of questions for lay people like me. It was clear that the weather was bad, but why did Sriwijaya Air still insist on flying? True, that no one knows fate, but at least we must understand the warning from the Almighty.

If we examine it in more detail, actually God always warns every servants. It's just that, as humans we really don't realize or maybe don't want to be aware of it. May we always be in God's protection.

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  1. Kenapa pesawat Sriwijaya air masih berangkat terbang padahal cuaca sedang buruk ya, ini perlu diselidiki.

    Turut berdukacita juga atas jatuhnya korban pesawat tersebut.

  2. Amin.. semoga kita selalu dalam perlindungan Tuhan.

    Di cerpenku yang sebelumnya juga ada kisah yang mirip ini, meski cuaca buruk tetap berangkat. Mirip2in 😆

  3. Gosh, this crash was so shocking, wasn't it...I saw the wreckage on TV news.
    So very sad, and my heart goes out to all those poor bereaved families 😢
    May God protect and comfort them...

  4. Turut berdukacita sedalam-dalamnya untuk seluruh korban musibah Sriwijaya Air.

    Semoga seluruh keluarga di berikan kekuatan dan ketabahan dalam menghadapi cobaan ini.

    Terakhir, semoga musibah seperti ini tidak terjadi lagi.

  5. turut berduka.....
    semoga menjadi pelajaran unyuk semua.

  6. Semoga alasan kenapa bisa terjadi kecelakaan ini bisa segera terungkap ya :(
    Turut prihatin mendengar berita kecelakaan ini. Hati rasanya pilu banget, Kak. Apalagi setiap melihat wawancara keluarga korban, nggak tahan ingin ikut menangis karena pilu sekali :(
    Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi kekuatan. Amin.

    1. yah kalo wawancara keluarga korban memang gagasan wartawan biar banyak yg nonton sih, tapi bukan berarti kita tidak berbagi empati

  7. itulah kenapa sampai saat inibaku snagat takut kalau bepergian naik pesawat , parno palagi klo di atas pas ada awan gitu gojlak gojlak

    turut berduka tuk semua korban dan semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan ketabahan dan keiklasan

    1. sebenarnya kalo nething, naik motor juga pasti ngeri sih

  8. Semoga setelah kotak hitam ditemukan akan segera terungkap penyebab kecelakaan tragis ini.
    Entah pengaruh usia pesawat yang telah 27 tahun atau pengaruh cuaca.

  9. Sebagai seorang rutin traveler , jujur aku sbnrnya juga takut kok tiap kali naik pesawat. Trutama di saat critical eleven, 11 menit pertama pas landing dan take off.

    Tapi mau gimana, kalo aku ttp takut, ga akan jalan2. Selalu sediiih kalo denger kabar begini. Aku 3x ngalamin kenalanku meninggal Krn kecelakaan pesawat. Pas Garuda jatuh di Sibolangit 97, itu temenku dan mamanya jd korban, pas pesawat Hercules jatuh di perumahan Medan, itu pilotnya temen Deket adikku yg dulu sering DTG ke rumah :(, waktu airasia jatuh salah satu korban temen kantor, dan pas lion itu tetanggaku ada yg jd korban.

    Ga usah tanya sedihnya. Aku ga kebayang mas, yg mereka rasain di saat2 terakhir itu :(. Nyeseeek banget bayanginnya.

    1. biar Tuhan yang ngatur mba, ga ada yg tahu nasib seseorang kan. kalo ikutan takut memang ga bakal jalan,
