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The Blunt Little Hoe

Little hoe

The rainy season still entertains the lonely souls caused by the pandemic that never stops. Spatter water does not hesitate to wet nature which seems increasingly tense. Washing uncertainty about the future that is still blurry.

The rain has its own time. They don't care about world conditions due to corona. This natural magic is only fulfilling its duties as a giver of hope for living creatures that are hit by drought. They also don't deserve to be questioned about floods and landslides. They only answer human behavior towards the nature around them.

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Likewise with the small garden next to the house which gets wetter in the rain every night. Although not every day, the rain in the last few days was enough to make the various grass around start to glow again. They seemed to challenge my laziness to hit them with my blunt little hoe.

The chirping of my old sister's mouth also makes these ears tired of relaxing with my favorite mobile phone. Day by day I ignored the chatter of my old sister and the grass that was getting taller. This laziness seemed to have eaten half of my care.

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Like the little blunt hoe I used to use in the garden, this body does need coercion. With a strong push and the right way, one by one the grass finally can be pulled up. That way this tedious work can be completed.

Through paragraph passages above, we can finally know that the job does not always require the perfect one. Work can also be done if accompanied by the will and the right way. Humans indeed are never satisfied and are always looking for something perfect so that many of they ignore those who has more willing.

Nowadays, the dull little hoe is only useful for the garden self. Those who have followed the new era already have their own toys that are more sophisticated and can be used by many people. Even so, that doesn't mean we don't need to hone it.

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  1. tak bisa berkata banyak

    kalimat kalimat paragraf awalnya syahdu betul mas intan :)
    kayaknya efek musim hujan 😄

    tapi btw jand lupa bantuin kakak cabutin rumput ya 😄

  2. Bakat jadi penyair Mas Intan ini, kalimat asik bacanya bikin serasa diayun2 😆😆

    1. Diayun-ayun ...berasa lagi di ninabobok-in sama mas Sudibjo, mas Jaey ?.
      Wowww .. ruaawrr biyasaah, haha

  3. Luar biasa. Rumput bandel pun jadi inspirasi. Tulisan yang ringkas, padat, dan sarat makna. Selamat malam, Mas Sudibjo.

  4. Saya terpesona dengan kata indahnya mas Intan. lagi - lagi pasti celoteh mas Intan, "ah pak guru ini memuji terus, jadi malu saya". namun itulah yang saya rasakan.

    Setiap datang kemari saya ingin belajar tentang diksi yang unik dan pesan refleksinya. Kemajuan zaman itu baik namun jauh lebih baik jika kita tidak mengabaikan hal - hal sederhana yang dulu pernah dipakai.

    Pesan moral yang sangat menohok dari anak muda yang menginspirasi saya secara pribadi. Lagi - lagi memuji. Sudah pasti itu kata mas Intan namun dari sini saya belajar tentang menulis.

    Menulis tidak harus menghadirkan ide hebat nan luar biasa, tetapi fenomena di sekitar rumah pun bisa jadi bahan untuk menulis.

    Keren mas, rumput bisa jadi ide menulis. Bukan juga asal omong tetap rumput tetangga tetapi rumput luar yang memberi pesan. Dulu, sekarang dan yang akan datang. Posisi kita saat ini, bila sukses jangan melupakan masa lalu, makna tersirat di balik pesan yang kutangkap... nice shere...

  5. Adu typo: maksudnya tentang bukan tetap dan liar bukan luar. Ga bisa edit pula hehehe, maaf mas, semangat! jadi komen dua kali de, muda-mudahan ga spam kwkkwkw

    1. hehe gapapa toh, saya senang kalo banyak yang komentar

  6. Hayuuuk ..jangan keasikan mainin ponsel terus atuuh ..
    Rumpuut udah bersinar,
    ..egh* tumbuh lagi tuch ...

  7. Ah, I know this sentiment well...playing with my phone has too often led to my chores being neglected - and my being chastised! 😉😂😂
    That grass is growing, Intan...Lol

    Have a great weekend, my friend🙏🙏

  8. Using the right tools and properly body mechanism will give you awesome results :)

  9. Semoga tamannya bisa indah berseri Mas Intan..

  10. Mas intan,.. emang punya kakak cewek itu nggak enakeuun yaa. Tapi beneran deh, kakak perempuan itu bawelnya tanda sayang. Ayo, ndang cabuti rumputnya.

    Baca tulisan mas intan ini bikin aku kangen sama tulisanku yang mendayu-dayu nih. kapan-kapan aku mau bikin tulisan syahdu begini ah..

    1. wahaha terimakasih mbak

      ga nyangka tulisan saya dibilang syahdu
