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Should be Avoided During Power Outages at Night


It is natural that everything in this world is created in pairs. Humans with male and female types. Animals with male and female kinds. There is beauty and ugliness. There is also bright and darkness. And there are many more natural secrets that have not been revealed by humans.

A living being instinctively looks for ways to make his life as comfortable as possible. They have the right to choose their way of life after God chooses their kind of life. Be grateful that we were chosen as humans, and it's time for you to choose your own path.

Read Sleep in the Morning and Strength of the Heart

How do humans live their lives as comfortably as possible? They began to choose between good and bad, between what was edible and what was not. Humans are also required to determine friends and foes. Human life is indeed very complicated, unlike an insect which only thinks about eating.

Of the many choices for living life, humans tend to want a life full of light. That is, only a handful of people like darkness.

Dark is the other side of light. You can't see anything when it's dark. You can't play, you can't cook, you also can't work and so on. Because of that, many people hate dark. Sometimes there are some people who are scared because of this all-black color.

Read also New Year 2021 and Something Special

Light is so useful, because of it, we creates a technology called electricity. This energy is able to illuminate a dark world at night. With electric lights, they can still do activities at night. Technology that really supports the comfort of mankind.

But nothing is perfect in this world, neither is electricity. This technology sometimes experiences various kinds of disturbances, resulting in a power outage. These disturbances can be from extreme weather, accidents, and human errors.

When a power cut occurs, we cannot enjoy services that require electric power such as lights, televisions, refrigerators, and so on. This can be worse if the electricity goes out at night.

If there is a power cut at night, there are a few things you should avoid. First, don't leave the doors and windows in your house open. So that strangers or wild animals don't enter the house without your knowledge.

Second, do not light the candle in a place that is flammable. Surely you don't want your house to become a bonfire to light up a village.

Number three, don't use your cell phone for too long. Use for emergency only. In addition to maintaining eye health when it's dark, you also don't know for sure when the electricity will comes back on. Saving the cellphone battery is the best ninja path choice for you.

Lastly, don't be too active. Love your body, don't get hurt in the dark. Maybe you want to do something, but maybe you don't remember the objects around you. There may be a glass or plate that can be fall down and broken. So you better meditate for a moment.

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  1. dari awal sampai akhir, ampe bengong saya...kata-katanya filosofis sekali....#tepuk tangan bergemuruh

    tadi nemu diksi...jangan biarkan rumah jadi api unggun untuk desa dan terluka dalam kegelapan...#sadis sadis...tingkat tinggi ini mah


    habis makan apa mas? 😁

    1. congrats first comment

      abis makan angin haha

    2. harusnya dapat hadiah nih

      saya dah sering nongkrong jadi first komen hahahhaha

  2. Fulsuf muda, hay mas Intan apa kabar?

    Sebenarnya ini artikel tutorial, supaya rumah terhindar dari si jago merah (baca: kebakaran, yang pasti bukan jenggot ya hehe)

    Langkah pertama jangan biarkan pintu dan jendela di rumah Anda terbuka. Agar orang asing atau hewan liar tidak masuk ke dalam rumah tanpa sepengetahuan Anda.

    Langkah kedua jangan menyalakan lilin di tempat yang mudah terbakar. Tentunya Anda tidak ingin rumah Anda menjadi api unggun untuk menerangi sebuah desa.

    Sampai dengan langkah ketiga, namun dibuat dalam bentuk narasi deskripsi, keren kang, unik gayanya...

  3. Amazing.. Apakah Mas Intan yang sesungguhnya sudah hadir di antara kita? Kata-katanya lembut penuh makna dan berpetuah... Tengkiu...

  4. Kalau aku gan, malah hape yang kunyalakan terus pengganti lampu 😆

  5. iya ga
    mana bisa tidur dengan nyenyak jika ada bau gas berkeliaran di ruangan

  6. Sekecil pelita cahaya sebuah sesuatu yang berharga dalam kegelapan..

    Sinar terang benderang terkadang menginginkan seseorang untuk menuju jalan kegelapan.

    Show persiapkan segala sesuatunya sebelum semuanya terjadi....Termasuk jika mati lampu. Karena hanya satu yang kita butuhkan cahaya penerangan.😊

  7. Jangan pake hp kelamaan itu yg agak susah. Kadang karena gabut mati lampu gelap2an, ujung2nya aku main hp juga 😅

  8. Suka sekali dengan paragraf terakhir, bisa menjadi sebuah reminder yang bagus yang jarang orang sadari (tentunya jika kegelapan yang dimaksud diatas adalah sebuah kata perumpamaan) bukan tutorial beneran seperti yang dikatakan oleh Mas Martin Karakabu 😂

  9. Many thanks for this very useful post, my friend!
    Such good advice here of things to avoid during a power cut, things we may not think of at the time that could be dangerous.
    Stay safe and have a great day, my friend 🙏🙏

  10. Serem ya kalau dunia gelap gulita tanpa listrik?
    Kalau begitu kita harus berterima kasih kepada penemu listrik.
    Iya memang kalau listrik mati jadi mati gaya..
