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New Year 2021 and Something Special

New Year 2021

In the middle of the night, the rain gleamed the darkness throughout the city. But that was not what made the night look lively, but it was the sound of fireworks that forced the night to grow colorful.

A noise was like corn kernels exploding on a grill, humans and other living things feeling the same noise. Either they enjoyed it, or they were indifferent, maybe someone lived it even though there was hatred in his heart.

Read Your Plans for New Year 2021

The night, which was briefly greeted by rain, presented the main stage with festive fireworks decorating the skies all over the world. 0:00 o'clock is indeed a special moment, changing time and the start of a new era.

The new year 2021 is a unique turn of the year where many people complain about the plague that never goes away. On the other hand, they are also entertained even though for a moment they hear the noise of this New Year celebration, indicating that humans have not given up. They will continue to rise up, no matter what disaster they face.

Read also Rainy Season, Gray Clouds, Early December in Cilegon

Maybe it is one of the thousands of something special this new year. Human spirit and sacrifice are being tested, but humans also deserve some entertainment even though just a moment. Of course, besides this you must have other special things, right?

Maybe my blogger friend like Dodo finally will get a girlfriend, it could be a special gift. Or my old blogger friend, Bang Ancis, is not inferior to the new year, the blog's appearance must be new.

Travel blogger friends, in the new year 2021 may already have plans to dissect a map somewhere. Culinary friends also certainly have a spot to visit right?

For unemployed people like me it might be even more special to find a new way of life, be it getting a job or something more interesting.

And there are many other special things that I cannot mention one by one. But certainly, whatever you do will feel special if it's done sincerely.

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  1. Intinya apapun itu jadikan tahun 2021 lebih baik dari tahun 2020 dan tetap semangat.😊😊

  2. Couldn't agree more with this punchline : But certainly, whatever you do will feel special if it's done sincerely

  3. ajarin bahasa inggris yang fluently dong mas intan hahahhaha

    ya semoga harapan harapannya di tahun ini, mumpung masih tanggal atu ni bisa perlahan tapi pasti terwujud...amin

    btw salfok ada doa buat teman blogger dodo n bang ancis juga hahhahaha

    baik hati juga mas intan mau doakan teman blogger lainnya :D

  4. Tahun baru memang istimewa, apalagi bila dirayakan bersama seluruh keluarga. Saya malam tahun baru di rumah aja mang, kumpul bareng anak-anak, liat kemeriahan malam tahun baru cukup di layar televisi.

  5. Sejak sebelum dan saat masih korona ini aku emang jarang Tahun baruan, jadi gak terlalu berpengaruh 😆😆

    Happy new year kang, moga selalu happy kita 🤣🤣

  6. Aku jarang sekali begadang sampai jam 12 buat nyambut tahun baru, tahun 2021 pun jam 10 malam sudah tidur, soalnya sudah ngantuk.😂

  7. Selamat Tahun Baru, mas pakde Sudibjo.
    Kudoakan semoga tahun ini dapat kemudahan jalan untuk merintis usaha, meski kecil-kecilan dulu ngga apa-apa.
    Yang penting ada kegiatan dan menghasilkan.
    Semangaaat !

  8. aminn, semoga rencana kita semua bisa terlaksana dengan baik di 2021 ini
    banyak plan juga kesini kesana, kuliner kesini kesana, semangat menjalani hari hari buat kita semua

  9. Maybe my blogger friend like Dodo finally will get a girlfriend -----> hahahahaa ... Dodo belum ke sini, ya? BTW selamat tahun baru, ya. 2021 tidaklah terlalu kelam, 2021 semoga cetar.

  10. Tahun 2020 bisa jadi tahun terberat bagi hampir semua orang. Pandemi corona, perekonomian morat-marit dll. Semoga di tahun 2021 dan seterusnya keadaan membaik dan kita makin sehat dan sukses ya aamiin.

  11. Semoga tahun 2021 lebih baik lagi ya, apapun keadaan kita saat ini, selama kita masih semangat untuk maju, kita adalah luar biasa :)

  12. Kalau Dodo sih girl friend nya banyak, Mas. Doain aja tahun ini dia berhasil memilih salah satu girl friend buat diajak ke pelaminan.🤭

    Ngomong-ngomong selamat tahun baru ya, Mas Intan 🥳. Semoga segala harapan dan cita-cita nya terwujud di tahun 2021 ini.🤲

    1. oh begitu yaa..

      Selamat tahun baru juga, terima kasih do'a nya bu

  13. Selamat Tahun baru yaw.. Yess, as we know corona datang tiba2 di awal desember yang berhasil ngubah semuanya dari segala sisi. Berharap sih tahun 2021 ini corona bisa lebih terkendali... Capek soalnya...
