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Breadfruit Chips More Delicious than Other Chips

Breadfruit chips

Breadfruit, is not a fruit that is popular with humans. This one fruit is unique because of the shape and taste that is not like fruit in general. The flesh of this fruit is fibrous like jackfruit, but cannot be eaten like jackfruit. This fruit is prickly like soursop and durian, but it doesn't taste like soursop and durian at all.

This fruit looks exactly like a jackfruit, the skin full with small tight spines. The skin is green to yellow when ripe. Unlike the jackfruit which is delicious to eat when the fruit is ripe, breadfruit is not like that. Breadfruit, it can be consumed deliciously when the fruit is not yet ripe or you can say when half ripe. If the breadfruit is too ripe, the texture will crumble easily, making it difficult to be processed into food.

Read Duren Story, The Durian Taste Really Tasted

That is the reason why breadfruit is always harvested when the fruit is still raw or the flesh is still hard.

One of the foods that can be processed from breadfruit is breadfruit chips. My family has often processed this type of food since my mother was still alive. How to process breadfruit into chips is not difficult. Just like making chips in general, such as cassava chips and banana chips.

Of course the very first thing is to wash the breadfruit. Then, peel the skin, maybe this is the most troublesome process because this breadfruit is a fruit that has a lot of sap. Third, split into pieces and then slice thinly like chips in general.

Read also Bitter Melon (Pare), The Delicious Bitter

Fourth, prepare the seasonings for the chips. My family usually uses shallots, garlic, pepper to taste, salt and micin. Everything is pulverized until smooth then pour into a container and give enough water. You can adding other seasonings if necessary.

The way to cook the chips is quite easy. Take enough breadfruit that has been sliced thin earlier, pour it into the hot cooking oil that has been prepared. After that, pour one spoonful of the spices that have been made, don't finish them immediately. Cook the breadfruit slices until they turn yellow like chips. Drain when it feels cooked.

Breadfruit chips taste better when eaten warm. The taste will be much more delicious than the cassava chips and banana chips.

If you don't believe it, please prove it yourself.

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  1. Hu'um.
    Percayaaaa, kok.
    Sukun tuh mau dibikin keripik atau juga dikukus, atau pula digoreng iris tebal bumbu bawang putih + garam tetap saja eunaaak ...

    Dikotaku banyak nih penjual gorengan yang sedia sukun goreng.

    1. aku ga percaya kamu bilang gitu mas ih


    2. Sungguh t-e-r laluuuh tak mempercayai ceritaku .. huhuhu
      Tisuuu tolong tisuuu .., banjir niih #lol

    3. pake kerah sendiri aja mas, ga usah pake tisu haha

  2. ow akhirnya bisa diklik juga ni artikel breadfruit mas intan, tadi soalnya 404 error

    yaaashhh sukun bahasa inggrisnya breadfruit, aku bafu tau malah abis lihat video ne marks wiens perihal bahasa inggrise sukun mas

    kalau sukun goreng aku suka
    tapi emang lebih guri guri nyoi itu ya pas dah dibikin keripik, diirisnya stipiiiiiis mungkin biar asin

    #maklum pecinta makanan gurih :D

    1. hooh tadi salah bikin permalink khususnya, jadi 404

      nanti dicoba keripiknya mbak

    2. wahhh tadi aku ngetik typo...nulis setipis mungkin bjar asin kok ketentuanis ya heuuu :D

  3. Oh ternyata sukun bisa dijadikan keripik juga ya kang, kalo disini sukun paling digoreng saja, campur sama tepung seperti pisang goreng gitulah.

    Iya, memang jika sukun sudah matang malah ancur, jadi metiknya itu pas lagi setengah matang, kalo terlalu muda juga ngga enak.

    1. digoreng biasa juga memang enak, tapi lebih enak kalo digoreng seperti keripik mas

    2. Kalo disana sukun harga berapa kang? Disini 20 ribu dapat tiga tapi kadang ada yang jual 5.000 sih

    3. kurang tau saya mas, soalnya suka ambil dari kebun hehe

  4. Saya sering makan buah ini, bahkan hampir tiap minggu, di potong tipi kemudian di goreng tepung, nikmatnya tiada tara

  5. Baru lihat kripik dari buah timbul biasanya cuma digoreng atau dikukus. Gimana rasanya ya kripik dari buah timbul?

  6. Wah ada versi kripiknya juga ya, aku cuma pernah mkn yg digoreng biasa aja..

    Rada repot mgkn ngiris tipis2nya tp mmg sepertinya lbh enk yg versi kripik 😆

  7. Wahh terakhir saya makan ini kapan yah... Kayanya sekitar bertahun2 yg lalu.. hahahha..

  8. Keripik kesukaanku.. tp digoreng agak tebelan juga sukaaaaak. Trutama aku paling suka bagian yg intinya itu mas, LBH manis :D.

    Udh lamaaa bgt ga makan sukun goreng. Jarang Nemu kalo di pasar Deket rumah. Abang gorengan sktr tempatku jg jrg jual sukun goreng.

  9. I do not have the opportunity to taste breadfruit and jackfruit not grown in our climate, but I'm very curious

  10. Ngelihat judulnya, aku tak faham apa itu breadfruit, namun setelah melihat fotonya baru tahu. Hoooh, sukun ternyata yaak haha
    Aku sering makan keripiknya ketika lebaran :D

  11. Aku udah kenal sukun & gorengannya dari jaman kecil di kampungku banyak soalnya mas, tp entah knp aku ga suka, aneh gitu rasanya mas hiks, sampe2 kmrn ART ku bawa kripik sukun waktu abis mudik th baru, buatannya sendiri, tp aku nyentuh aja ga, apa perlu dicoba dulu berkali kali ya hihihi

  12. Breadfruit chips are my mother's favorite, which unfortunately I don't have a taste for them myself :( But this is a very popular snack in our extended family, and we always have it especially on Eid al-Fitr. Eating breadfruit chips at certain times is like a culture that cannot be separated from the events themselves, in my opinion.

  13. aku suka kalau digoreng lalu diberi gula merah mantap

    1. kayaknya sukun udah manis deh, ga perlu pake gula juga

  14. Emang enak banget keripik sukun, aku suka beli haha
    Yg digoreng juga enak tapi rasa bikin seret. Dulu depan rumah ada pohonnya, suka digoreng klo pas buah. Sekarang ditebang jd seringnya makan keripik pas beli.


  15. Sukun oh sukun ??? Buah favorit aku dan keluarga kami biasanya olah sukun dengan digoreng atau kalau waktu luang buah sukun ya dibikin bahan untuk buat kue bolu, bolu sukun rasanya tak kalah dengan bolu pisang.
