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Watch Anime or Play Games?


Entertainment in living life is a must. Without entertainment, this world will feel bland. Something that is entertaining is important for humans. Like salt in vegetable soup, it can give a delicious taste.

Not only talking about eating, the mind also needs nutritional intake. Therefore, various kinds of entertainment are born that can provide nutrition for the brain. For example, is watch a something fun and playing games.

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Everyone has their own way of entertaining themselves. Apart from watching and playing games, there are also people who enjoy reading, exercising, hiking, and many more. Then, what entertainment do you like?

There are actually two types of entertainment, namely permanent and seasonal. Seasonal example is, I like to fly kites during the season, which is when many people fly their kites too. It's not fun to fly a kite alone. How about permanent? This entertainment is unknown to time, something you have always wanted to do.

Watching anime and playing games are two of my permanent pastimes. These two types of entertainment always take turns filling the void of my time. These two entertainments are really suitable for killing time.

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Two months ago, maybe at that time I was engrossed in one of the new released MOBA game. However, for now somehow I'm lazy playing games. It feels like my brain doesn't want to think hard about solving a game, but this head seems to want to enjoy the imaginative art presented from anime.

As information, anime is a spectacle in the form of animation from Japan. You could say that this anime is a typical Japanese cartoon. However, some fanatics disagree when anime is called a cartoon, ironic indeed.

Both watching and playing games, both have different sensations. If your mind needs entertainment for relaxation but is full of imagination, watching anime is the answer. But if your brain needs challenging entertainment, games are the solution.

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  1. How 'bout watch 3GP? Hahaha.. jujur, saya lebih berat ke main game daripada nonton, hehehe...

  2. kalau saya jelas milih anime, game otak uda keburu ngebul palagi yang modelnya strategi..kalau anime mah tinggal nonton...kalau ga baca baca manga aja

    klo yang musiman layangan aku ga sih, takut item eeeh guyon, maksudnya ga jago main layangan, pas kecil sih malah lebih sering main gundu daripada layangan..boneka juga sih..kalau saat ini ya paling nulis cerita aja atau ngeblog dan juga ngebluk hahaha

    1. suka anime juga yah..

      btw ngebluk apa yah? tidur kah wkwkwk

  3. Kalau pilihannya dua, antara nonton anime atau nge-game, tentu saja aku lebih suka game, Mas. Tapi sayangnya belakangan ini aku gak punya game yang menarik. Bahkan untuk install game di hape pun sekarang gak mampu. Memori internal penuh soalnya. Huhuhuuuu TT^TT

    1. Sayang, mas. Aplikasinya kepake semua soalnya 😭. Malah sepertinya mereka lebih penting kalau dibandingkan dengan game. Tapi hape tanpa game itu kok rasanya gimanaaaa gitu.😭

    2. nah hp nya minta dibeliin yg baru mungkin wkwkwk

  4. Actually playing video games is not only entertainment but skillful , that is in moderation. I read that surgeons in training were encouraged to play video skills to develop their hand movements required for the job!

  5. 22-nya sih ..
    Eh, tapi tergantung juga sama anime dan game-nya.
    Kalau ngebosenin, kutinggal nonton yang lain ...yang lebih bikin uhuk~uhuk cihuyy

  6. Lebih pilih nonton film Hollywood..hihihi

    1. Bukannye ente biasa nonton vokep huu..🤣🤣🤣

  7. Hiburan permanenku nonton tv khususnya acara komedi, film dan ngerokok 🤣

    Hiburan musiman, ngaji, ngedit html, game domino dan balapan 🤣

    Aku benci kartun terutama anime naruto, dragonball, one piss dan semacamnya, pengecualian buat sincan, upin ipin, samurai X, 🤣🤣 kartun jadul semua ini yg baru aku gk tau 🤣

    1. Aneh terjemahannya gan, bahasa indo diterjemahkannya ke indo lagi, jadi berubah kata2nya😆

    2. Ngga aneh kang, yang menerjemahkan kan mesin bukan manusia.

  8. Ya ampun.... saya ngak suka nonton anime apatah lagi main games spt ML dan PUBG. I am sorry..

  9. Kalau saya disuruh memilih main Game atau Nonton film. Yaa pastinya pilih nonton Film karena kage hobi main game mas Intan, Kaget bise mainnye.🤣🤣🤣

    Mending nontonlah apa lagi kalau film Biru wuuuiihhb sejuk dah.🤣🤣🤣🤣 Film biru dunia laut maksudnya.😆🤭

  10. Game dan anime ya, kalo saya tidak milih kedua nya karena tidak terlalu hobi kang, tapi kalo nonton film Hollywood suka, entah kenapa kurang suka anime padahal dulu tiap Minggu nonton dragon ball sama Doraemon.

    1. saya juga ga semuanya suka anime, tergantung ceritanya juga sih

  11. Dari dulu aku jarang nonton anime yg bener2 ngikutin per episod. Paling cuma nonton selewat2 doang pas tayang di tv. Hehehe..
    Kalau main game, sukanya main game di hp. Tp game receh2 aja, yg ga pake mikir berat. Maklum hidup udah berat, jd ga sanggup lg main yg pake mikir berat2 😅

  12. anime dan game tidak bisa lepas dari kehidupan saya mas, itu seperti sudah mendarah daging. hahaha

  13. I love both! Never ever think to choose one of them

  14. Pilih Animeee... Kimetsu no yaiba bagus bangetttttttt... tapi belum ada kelanjutannya..
    Tapi yah games juga seru sih.. Tapi tipe game yg diinstal di hape cuma Mobile Legend Adventure. yg maininnya cuma sekali sehari.. dan itupun jam 3 sore karena waktu reset hadiah dan kesempatan lain cuma kebuka jam 3 sore...

    1. wah sama dong, saya juga lagi nunggu kimetsu no yaiba
