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Mount Semeru Erupts, This is the Chronology

Damage conditions resulting from the eruption of Mount Semeru in Lumajang

Mount Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java, Indonesia and one of the active volcanoes with a peak reaching 3,676 meters above sea level. This mountain is on the border of Lumajang Regency with Malang.

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Mount Semeru is a volcano that has a strato type with a lava dome, and the current activity is at Jonggring Seloko Crater, which is located to the southeast of the Mahameru peak which was formed since 1913.

Based on several sources that I have read, the eruptions of Mount Semeru are generally volcanic and strombolian in the form of the destruction of the dome or lava tongue, as well as the formation of new lava domes or lava tongues. This destruction resulted in the formation of hot clouds of avalanches which are characteristic of Mount Semeru.

The increase in mountain activity has occurred since Friday (11/27/2020), which was marked by four incandescent lava avalanches with a sliding distance of 200-300 meters.

Then it continues to increase every day until the eruption does not continue by launching hot clouds of avalanches towards the southern and southeastern slopes up to a distance of 1 kilometer, also throwing incandescent rocks on Tuesday (1/12/2020) at 01.23 Western Indonesian Time (WIB).

According to the Head of Sub-Division of Volcanic Mitigation in Western Region of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) Nia Haerani, hot clouds of avalanches were visible from the summit dome, with a sliding distance of 2 kilometers to 11 kilometers towards Besuk Kobokan in the southeast sector from the summit of Mount Semeru on Tuesday ( 12/1/2020).

In addition, visual observations indicate an increase in the number of earthquake avalanches and several times the avalanche of hot clouds caused by the instability of the lava dome at the top. 

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Nia explained that based on the results of visual and instrumental monitoring, also the potential dangers, the activity level of Mount Semeru is still set at Level II (Alert).

Residents are advised not to move within a radius of 1 km from the crater / peak of Mount Semeru and a distance of 4 km from the crater opening in the south-southeast sector. Residents are also asked to be alert from hot clouds of avalanches, avalanches of lava, and lava along the river / valley that is tipped at the peak of Semeru. The recommended radius and distance will be continuously evaluated to anticipate if there are symptoms of a change in hazard.

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  1. sering melihat semeru dari vlog vlog para pendaki nih saya mas intan, memang dia disebut atapnya pulau jawa ya karena tertinggi itu, juga rencananya kemaren malah sempat pengen bikin cerpen yang settingnya semeru...ingat sama ranu kumbolo dan tanjakan cintanya semeru :D lumayan nih mampir ke sini saya nambah info

    dan.....ternyata terupdatenya sedang ada aktivitas ya.. duh harus bener bener memantau dari pihak terkait nih supaya kalau levelnya sudah gawat maka yang berada di sekitar situ harus cepat cepat dievakuasi..

    1. untuk sekarang memang warga diimbau tidak mendekat, bahaya banget

  2. Awan panas yang ngeri
    Takut kayak yang di jogja, gunung merapai

  3. Semoga baik2 aja sih, dan kalopun meletus, masyarakat sekitar sudah bersiap utk evakuasi. Ngeri ngbayangin gunung api. Aku inget bbrp gunung api yg meletus hebat sampai menghancurkan sekitarnya. Gunung Toba, gunung api yg di Pompeii, Krakatau, sampai gunung Merapi Jogja. Kemarin pas ke Jogja mampir ke museum sisa hartaku, diceritain Ama guidenya pas yg korban di dalam bunker, aduh mas, aku merinding. Masuk ke bunkernya, dan ngebayangin yaa apa yg mereka rasain pas lavany masuk, dan membakar semua, ya allah, ga tega bangetttt. Sedih loh itu. Semoga Semeru ga terlalu 'marah' yaaa.

    1. weh pasti merinding tuh denger langsung ceritanya dari guide.

  4. Wah jauh sekali awan panasnya sampai 11 km ya. Bahaya sekali soalnya panasnya bisa mencapai ratusan derajat Celcius.

  5. Saya mendengar beritanya di TV swasta mang, ngeri ngeliatnya, luncuran lahar panas berbahaya bagi daerah yang lokasinya dekat dengan gunung Semeru.

    Semoga keadaan ini tidak berlangsung lama ya mang, dan warga sekitar bisa hidup dengan tenang tanpa rasa was was.

    1. emang bikin ngeri sih, liat di film aja kalo kena serem

  6. Wuuiihh sudah gunungnya angker letusan laharnya juga menyeramkan yaa mas..😊😊

    Pernah dulu aku daki gunung Semeru dan banyak kejadian2 aneh yang saya temukan disana seperti ada acara gamelan tengah malam buta...Ada pasar yang orang2nya berwajah kera...😳😳

    Pokoknya lebih seram dari gunung Lawu..

  7. semoga segera mereda erupsi nya bang Aamiinn

  8. Gunung2 di Jawa lagi siap meletus nih, pas lagi corona pula. Jadi orang2 yang traveling juga ngeri pada batal ya hehehe. Semoga evakuasi warga siaga 24 jam kan kasihan mereka yang tinggal dekat gunung.

    1. betul, semoga tidak terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan

  9. ngeri ya.. aku juga denger tentang berita ini.. semoga semeru baik-baik aja ya..
