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Legendary Powerbank, Lasts 3 Years


Powerbank as the name suggests is a container for storing energy. The power is in the form of electrical energy which is useful for running various electronic devices, one of which is a smartphone. Like a bank, you can fill in and use what you input to your bank at any time.

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According to Wikipedia, a power bank is a device used to enter electrical energy into a battery that can be recharged without having to connect the device to an electrical outlet. This charger is classified as portable because it is different from battery chargers that must be connected to an electrical outlet.

In other words, this power bank is very helpful for electric users in case of interference or power outages. This portable charging tool is also useful if you are on the go and don't have time to charge with your usual device.

Powerbank is indeed suitable for those of you who like to travel. This tool is also very helpful for those of you who like to play games and are lazy to charge. Not only that, powerbank can help your friends who have run out of phone batteries.

It was before smartphones became rampant, before powerbanks were born, before non-removable batteries were as popular as they are today. People use more than one battery for one cell phone. Every time their phone battery runs out, they remove the battery with another one, while the battery that runs out is recharged using a desktop charger.

But time passed quickly, so cell phones with large capacity batteries began to appear. The old ways slowly waned. Even so, humans are never satisfied. They started to like games on mobile. Of course it makes their batteries run out quickly. Since then, powerbank appeared, I don't know what year it was.

Powerbank is the second necessity after owning a smartphone. Like vegetables without flavoring, they taste so-so. But you also have to be careful, there are many fake flavorings that don't match the offer. Copies always haunt the selling brands, but prices never lie.

In 2017, I forgot what month, when I worked in Sampit, Central Kalimantan, I decided to buy a fairly large powerbank. Working in the field keeping me away from the power outlet requires me to buy that portable device. But the reason that makes more sense is because I like playing games.

I am not a smart person in buying electronic goods, so I invite my friends to buy. Going back and forth to several shops in the market was tedious. After wading through the sea of people for a long time, I finally found a powerbank that caught my eye. Branded Vivan with a battery capacity of up to 10,000mAh, the coolest power bank of its time.

However, I was shocked when I heard the price, which was IDR 350,000. For me and at that time, it was quite a price. But because I had already fallen in love, and my friend was convinced that this product could not fail. I bought the Vivan brand powerbank with money for a month's meal in people's villages.

Prices never lie is a telling adage. The Vivan I bought three years ago is still usable. Even though the charging hole was a bit problematic, the performance was still good. I have never regretted buying this powerbank, and my friend who helped buy this has a good eye for evaluating the product. Thank you friend.

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  1. Kalo saya sampai sekarang belum pernah beli power bank kang, soalnya kalo baterai mau habis tinggal colok saja ke listrik.

    Ada yang bilang, kalo terlalu lama pakai power bank bisa merusak kualitas baterai hape, apakah benar atau cuma mitos?

    1. mitos kang, justru kalo pake powerbank malah baterai hp lebih awet karena arusnya datar ga kaya colokan listrik yang arusnya naik turun.

      yang bener, semakin sering dipake powerbank nya cepet rusak, tergantung merk

    2. Sebenarnya sih kalau baterai hape mau dipake atau nggk dipake, pasti kualitasnya emnk semakin menurun Mas Agus. Heheh... katanya sih gtu.. hehe

      Saya pun juga sama. Nggak pernah punya powerbank. Heheh soalnya kemana2 selalu bawa casan..

    3. betul, baterai punya sifat self induction, jadi bakal ngurang sendiri

  2. Many thanks for this super post!
    A powerbank like this one sounds just the thing for me, as I travel quite a lot...or, at least, I did before the pandemic, and hope to again someday!

    Have a great day 🙏🙏

  3. Bingung bacanya tapi kalau dari judul sepertinya ini tentang powerbank yang sudah melegenda sama 3 tahun, bener ngga ya?

    1. kan udah ada widget pilih bahasa mas

    2. Ngga ngeh sama widgetnya, mas..hihihi

    3. kalo di pc memang widgetnya nampak menyudut kecil, kalo di hp pasti langsung nemu

    4. Yuk kita demo mas Herman, biar dikasih lagi bahasa Indonesia langsung, pakai terjemahan kadang ngaco.😆

  4. Kalau saya kurang begitu suka mas sebenarnya smartphone pakai powerbank...Terlebih keseringan..Bisa merusak baterai juga....Jadi ketergantungan gitu deh..😊😊

    Tetapi kalau ingin keluar rumah dengan waktu lama yaa memang akan saya bawa powerbank tersebut...Tetapi digunakan pas kalau memang mendesak saja..😊😊

    1. ya memang itu buat mendesak aja, keperluan kalo ga bisa ngecas dicolokan

  5. aku kaget tadi pas buka bahasa inggris mua, e ternyata ada pilihan bahasa indonesiane heheh

    oh mas intan sih kerja bagian apa maa kok sempat hijrah ke banyak tempat like timteng ama kalimantan dan lainnya, keren juga ya bisa keliling banyak tempat tempat

    kalau masaah power bank, baca sari deskripsi vivan di atas malahmenywrupai hard disk eksternal ya bentukannya..gede gitu
    tapi ya memang sih ada harga ada rupa..biar kata uda lumayan lama karena berkualitas ya kinerjanya tetep bagus meski ada sedikit penurunan pastinya ya #namanya juga barang elektronik

    1. iya mbak, ukurannya lebih besar dari powerbank kebanyakan karena kapasitasnya gede juga, bener mirip hd eksternal haha

  6. Untuk saat-saat tertentu keberadaan powerbank mutlak diperlukan ya mang, misalnya saat kerja di lapangan yang gak ada tempat buat ngecharge. Tapi kalo untuk keperluan dirumah atau di kantor sih saya lebih suka menggunakan charger bawaan asli, lebih cepat ngisinya.

  7. Terima kasih untuk post yang menarik hati. Yes, power banks adalah penting sekarang especially when working outside and travelling. Glad to hear that the Vivan kamu beli masih boleh guna sampai sekarang. Sometimes you have to pay a high price for good things.

  8. 3 tahun itu pemakaiannya sering mas?
    Kalau iya berarti beneran yahut kualitasnya. Tapi ukurannya lumayan besar kayaknya.

    1. iya sering mba, kadang saya kalo males ngecas tapi masih asik main hp, nah aku pake powerbank biar bisa bebas

  9. Jujur sampai saat ini aku baru sekali punya powerbank, setelahnya ngga atau tepatnya belum lagi.

    Karena kok hape jadi kerasa panas ya saat dicharger pakai powerbank.
    Kalau dicharger pakai listrik langsung ngga kerasa panas.

  10. AKu punya 2 power bank Schneider kapasitasnya oke :) DIbawa ke mana2 seharian hati tenang hehehe :D Bentuknya emang gede sih, gimanaaa gitu kalo ketinggalan hehehe :D

    1. wah merknya seperti nama pemain sepak bola wkwkwk

  11. Hallo mas dibjo, salam kenal

    Wah saya belum pernh pakai powerbank nih. Ketika sempet ngetrend pun saya lebih memilih pakai HP yg hemat batre atau ngeces di pagi hari jd pas kegiatan nggak terhalang oleh lowbat. Emang urgent masalah batre HP nih, jd karena mobilitas beberapa org memilih menggunakan powerbank yaa.

    Yg kurang saya suka dr powerbank ini bikin saya nggak mau lepas dr gawai, pdhl ketika dices kan harusnya kasih waktu buat gawai istirahat dan isi energi dlu yaa. Untung masih bagus ya mas, moga masih bertahan sampai beberapa tahun ke depan nih

    1. bener juga sih, kalo habis ya harusnya istirahat dulu hehe

  12. Betul, power bank ini nyawa cadangan buat smartphone. Pelengkap traveling andalanku.

    Aku pake power bank belum lama sih. Tapi kerasa banget manfaatnya, bisa share daya ke smartphone teman juga.
