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Do not Use or Buy Hanging Fan


Based on what I read from various sources, the fan was originally an accessory. This accessory then became increasingly popular until the time the fan became a luxury item. So it's no wonder that some countries such as China and Japan have their own beautiful fan characteristics.

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As time went on, intellectuals began to find something bigger than accessories. The fan then switches the function to cooling, both for engine and room cooling. Until now, we can see various kinds of fans around us.

Let's start with a simple, small one, selling for around Rp.10,000 in an online shop, usually used by boarding kids. If you live in a boarding house but don't know this fan, your life is sadder than mine.

The next fan that you often find is a sitting fan. This type of fan is indeed the most widely used in homes. Because it is easy to move around in the house, the function of the head is to the left and right so that the wind can be felt throughout the room.

Then, there is such a name as a blower fan. This type of cooler is usually found in large areas such as factories or in closed places such as rice mills. If you have this fan in your house, I think I need to ask where the fan is from.

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Even though this fan has various types, there is one type that I don't recommend the most. This fan is a hanging fan. I know this fan is no less popular than the sitting fan. But I have clear reasons why you shouldn't use or buy a hanging fan. Hanging fans are more dangerous than wall fans.

Hanging fans have a very high risk of falling. You can imagine how terrible it would be if while you were sleeping, the fan fell and hit you. The reason why it could fall was because the fan holder slowly started to loosen up. That's because the fan's rotating power is stronger than the holder, whether it's nails or brackets.

Another reason why not buy a hanging fan is because of the troublesome maintenance. If there is damage, for example the fan is not rotating, you cannot immediately check it, you need a ladder and remove the fan first. Unlike the seated fan, you can check directly without being complicated.

Instead of using a hanging fan, I suggest you use a classic fan. Provide paper, thicker is better, fold it back and forth by one inch until the paper is jagged. Good luck.

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  1. Serius deh, mas. Aku dulu ngekos tapi kipasku harganya Rp 75.000, dan itu adalah kipas angin termurah yang aku temukan saat itu. Duh, beruntung banget deh yang bisa dapat harga 10.000an. 🤭

    Ngomong-ngomong tentang kipas angin gantung, aku jadi ingat kipas anginnya eyangku, deh. Sudah lamaaaaaaa banget kipas angin itu nangkring di langit-langit ruang tamu rumah eyangku. Kyknya sih umurnya si kipas angin selisih dua tahun dengan umurku, lebih tua si kipas angin. Alhamdulillah sih sampai sekarang masih awet dan berfungsi dengan baik. Tapi aku gak bisa ngebayangin sih, kalau lagi rewel benerinnya gimana. Pasti lebih ribet daripada benerin kipas angin duduk.🙈

    1. kipas angin 10.000 via usb mini banget mbak haha

      baiknya dicek mbak kipas angin eyangnya, takut udah karatan atau problem, bahaya

  2. waah ada yaa harga 10rb kipas angin nya :"

  3. Akh aku ngga mau ngaku ngga mengenal produk ini aaakh ...ntar dikiranya hidup anda lebih menyedihkan dari saya , hahaah #lol

    Aku memang jarang sih gunain kipas angin, kecuali sesekali (itupun jarang) pakai kipas portable model jaman now.
    Masalahnya kalau pakai kipas angin kok aku bisa dipastikan jadi masuk angin setelahnya meski arah angin ngga langsung kena tubuh.

  4. pernah juga beli fan yang begitu
    tapi bahaya apalagi ke anak jika jatuhnya nanti
    Mending beli fan yang ada pelindungnya melingkar akan lebih aman terhadap manusia

  5. Aku tuh kepengen punya kipas angin gantung plus tengahnya ada lampu hias tapi belum beli2. Ngeri tertimpa sih ya apalagi kalau pas di ruang keluarga.

    1. keliatannya memang bagus sih kipas gantung ada lampunya tapi ada tapinya

  6. ngebayangin kipas angin jatuh atau blower yang memakan korban aku langsung teringat film final destinasi nih mas intan hohoho
    ngomongin kipas...aku ga pake, soalnya aku juragan AC mas huahahah

    #just kidding

  7. Beruntung saya tidak pake kipas angin gantung mas pakenya AC..😊😊

    Dan saya juga termasuk orang yang pake kipas angin gantung takutnya yaa seperti yang dijelaskan diatas..Jika jatuh dalam keadaan masih berputar sangat fatal resikonya..

  8. Aku ngga pakai kipas gantung mas, pakainya kipas alami atau jendela saja. Kalaupun panas biasanya pakai kipas bambu yang lebih murah.🤣

  9. aduh kipas seperti ini udah tiga aku beli dalam tiga tahun sudah rusak semua

  10. Itulah kenapa aku tak suka pakai hanging fan 😂. Takut kejadian fan-nya roboh dan menimpa orang di bawahnya ala-ala film Final Destination 😂

    Wkwk memang paper fan udah paling benar ya 🤣

    1. Sama kayak Lia, aku langsung kepikirannya kaya Film Final Destination klo ngebayangin kipas angin jatoh gt 😆

    2. wkwkwk ternyata kita seumuran 🤭🤭

  11. Dirumah saya banyak nih kipas gantung kaya beginian.. masih dipake sampe sekarang lagi.. 🤨 pengen tak ganti tapi belum rusak...

    1. kalo bisa periksa holding nya mas kalo udah lama menggantung

  12. dikamar aku pake kipas gantung
    trus akhir akhir ini cuaca emang puanas banget, aku membiasakan untuk nggak tiap hari pake kipas, tapi kalau ga pake terasa gerahnya, serba salah
    beberapa waktu lalu, ac kantor rusak, sampe belain beli kipas portable, ehh ternyata ga awet hahaha

    1. kipas portable memang ga sebagus kipas tulen hehe

      hati-hati mbak, kipas gantung nya
