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This Friday was Hotter than Usual

HAS THE RAINY season passed? Of course not, at two o'clock in the morning I woke up because of heavy rain pouring down our city, Cilegon. Because the rain was big enough, it made the asbestos roof of the house noisy which made it difficult for me to sleep, the effect of insomnia too.

I then filled my spare time by writing the third episode of The Black Crow series. I was only able to close my eyes after the dawn call to prayer. I thought, after praying my sleep would be comfortable. My guess was wrong.

The fan that I turned off was forced to turn it on again, even though it was still raining outside. I assumed the rain was almost over and so it was hot again at home.

When it entered 10 am until this post was made, the temperature in the house was getting hotter. I once wrote about how I still need a fan when it rains. But this time was different. Rain only occurs in the early morning, day and night are different. I usually use the maximum fan at level 2, but this Friday I use level 3 or the fastest.

I don't know what happened why this Friday was hotter than usual. If you experience the same thing, don't forget not to drink less.

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  1. di tempat saya cuacanya panas minta ampun, sampai enggak tahan

  2. Sekarang cuacanya memang sedang panas sekali, saya sampai memasang 3 kipas angin dan 1 exhaust di dalam kamar, kalau tidak, maka kami tidak akan bisa tidur dengan nyenyak.

  3. Kalo disini tidak hujan kalo dini hari bang tapi cuacanya tetap dingin karena sore harinya hujan.

    Top markotop pakai kipas angin habis hujan, kalo saya malah pakai selimut bang, ngga kuat dingin.😂

  4. Kalau di sini udah beberapa hari ini ngga turun hujan cuma mendung saja tapi terasa panas dan gerah.

  5. kalo kipas angin hidup, kabur dia mas! kipas angin dinyalakan, hehe

  6. Saya jga pun demikian mas kalau hujan masih pake kipas atau Ac rumah...Nggak tahu kenapa...Padahal hujan...Bawaannya gerah tetus.

  7. honesntly I never sleep without fan now its too hot in the day

  8. nahh minum ini sering kelupaan buat aku, intinya meskipun cuaca hujan atau enggak, sehari hari aku nggak pernah mentok di 2 liter, selalu kurang dibawah 2 liter.
    nahh kalau pas jalan-jalan dibawah panasnya matahari, air putih kayak istimewa banget malahan

    1. 2 liter itu kira kira berapa gelas ya mba hihihi, ga pernah saya takar air minumnya

  9. Hari Jumat sama Hari Kamis, bahkan Hari Sabtu di daerahku tinggal itu cuacanya panas sekali dan kalau siang terik sekali, padahal pagi hari selalu mendung, tapi udah lama nggak turun hujan. Bahkan angin yang keluar dari kipas angin aja panas, Kak 😂

    1. macam kipas belakang mesin aja panas mba xixixixi

  10. sejak hari Ahad, waktu petang selalu hujan..
