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The Black Crow Chapter 4: The Day of Slaughter

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The morning light awakens the young man lying limp in the hut. A little faint, Lang opened his eyes which were directed towards the front of the hut. An old man seemed to be waiting for him with a black patterned sword in hand.

After removing all the bandages, he stepped outside to meet the old man who had kept his name a secret. The grandfather glared at Lang, "You're cured, go never come back." while throwing the sword that he held for a long time enough.

This young man was shocked, full of questions, he did not understand what was happening. "You heal me then now you kicked me out, please give me an explanation before I leave your house." The old man did not flinch, he left Lang.

The young man did not want to give up, he followed the grandfather to the back of the hut. Lang slowly approached the gray old man who was standing pensive looking at a grave. "This is the grave of Cira's father. My only child." said the grandfather while shedding small tears.

Lang increasingly confused, "What happened old man?". The grandfather turned his body towards the young man. With red eyes full of sob, the old man stared deeply at Lang. "Are you sure you want to know?"

Lang nodded, gesturing ready to hear. The grandfather closed his eyes slowly opened his eyes and started telling stories about the story eight years ago.

"Cira's father is a swordsman who followed my path in life. Mastering all swordsmanship and techniques from me. He's so confident in his abilities, the thing I'm most worried about being a swordsman.

My concern was proven, the Valley Kingdom did a massive recruitment looking for great warriors in every village. The news reached our hut. I can't hold back this desire from my only child. My student left confidently, he promised to come home as soon as possible. I, who could not bear to lose my only child, tried to follow from behind. 

I continued to find out the purpose of gathering these warriors. Until finally I got the news that they were going to attack a rebel village. Inner Valley Village.". Lang, who was listening to the story, was suddenly startled with bulging eyes.

"Yes, it is the village of the Black Crow clan. The Valley Kingdom with dozens of swordsmen attacked the village during the day. They did not leave anyone from the village alive. Also Cira's father died in the attack. I never expected to meet a Black Crow here". The grandfather then knelt down and sobbed.

The last Black Crow clenched his fist, his chest was beating fast, he tried to hold back emotions. "So that's the truth, my clan has been slaughtered by the Valley Kingdom." his eyes suddenly sharply.

"If you want to avenge your son, I will give it after my revenge against the kingdom is avenged. Please don't get in my way." Lang then left the grandfather, who was still kneeling, holding back tears.

Jump to The Black Crow Chapter 5: The Brother's Revenge

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  1. Terharu membaca kisah si kakek, kesedihan yang teramat sangat pastinya. Kehilangan seorang putra kesayangan adalah sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan oleh siapapun.

  2. makin seru aja nih, jadi penasarn dengan aksi si lang selanjutnya, mungkinkah dia berhasil mengalahkan musuhnya

  3. Sadis banget Kerajaan Lembah.
    Serem ya kisah masa silam seperti kisah ini, dimana masih terjadi saling bantai.

    Akhir kisah ini, *eh sudah sampai akhir kisah belum sih ini, ya ?, makin mencekam dan juga bikin ikutan sedih bacanya.

    Tisu mana tisuuu ...

  4. kubayangkan sang kakek berambut abu abu bertampang seperti gandalf

  5. Bau-baunya dunia persilatan ini, anak muda. Mau damai, panggil saja pemuda Sableng dari Gunung Gede itu.

  6. Nah judulnya gada terjemahannya 😆

    Hiaat tiba2 Lang menusukkan pedangnya sendiri keperutnya, Tamat 🤣🤣

    1. pembaca pun tercengang dengan ending yang begini

  7. Malang nya nasib sang kakek.. apa nanti ia akan memvalas dendam atas kepergian anaknya

  8. oh rupanya antara si kakek dan lang memiliki hubungan dan ini seputar cerita masa lalu...paham alurnya sekarang. Apa yang terjadi selanjutnya?

    Mas Intan, mohon maaf hanya saran, part sebelumnya tolong buatkan tautan link di bagian akhir, sesudah dan sebelum sehingga pembaca yang tertarik bisa dipandu dengan navigasi satu klikan saja mas, maaf mas hanya saran saja...

    Cerita ini yang membuat saya penasaran...

    Terus berbagi dan tetap semangat mas.

    1. makasih sarannya mas, saya kira related pos di bawah sudah cukup.

      nanti saya tambahkan :)

  9. Lang has the right to avenge the Valley Kingdom but the old man, I don't think so..his son is willing to join the attack...just my 2 cents...
