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Rainy Season, Still Need A Fan

Currently, almost every corner of Indonesia is in the rainy season, including where I live. Rain is a tremendous blessing for nature and everything in it. Rain soaked the earth like water that rained down on a human sweating hot. It's been a long time since I felt the freshness and coldness of the rain.

But it looks like I'll still feel hot for now. Even though it rained heavily, at my sister's house I still felt hot. That's because my sister's house has a roof made of asbestos instead of tile.

One of the risks of using asbestos roofs is that the wind or air from above does not enter so that the temperature below will feel hot. This feeling is the same as when you are in a factory building.

That's why every night when I sleep I always use the fan. Fanning the fan really helped me reduce the heat and repel naughty mosquitoes. Without a rotating fan I wouldn't be able to sleep well. This will make my insomnia worse.

So, if you are in a house or rented house with asbestos roof, don't forget the fan. This thing must be owned by those of you who live under that roof. May be useful.

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  1. gw kalo tidur pake kipas angin malah gak bisa tidur mas, takut kedinginan dan masuk angin :D

    1. nah berarti di tempatmu dingin, di sini panas rumah atap asbes juga

  2. kipas angin memang penting sekali ya mas, bahkan di tempat saya sangat penting banget nih benda, kalau enggak ada panasnya minta ampun, enggak bisa tidur, tapi kalau sedang hujan, dinginnya bukan main, tidurpun pasti nyenyak, itulah pulau bangka

    1. temenku juga ada org bangka, ga pernah cerita soal yg ini :)

  3. My house uses tile for the roof, but I still feel hot even though this is rainy season. May be because I sweat easilly too. That's why I still using fan or AC although it's raining outside.🙈

    1. You look like my friend, he's easy to sweat. haha He's got a big, tall body.

  4. Setuju mas Intan, saya tinggal di Jakarta, daerah Tanjung priok, tanpa kipas angin rasanya sulit untuk memejamkan mata, memang benar resikonya masuk angin, jika tidak mau masuk angin maka silakan beli AC, tapi untuk orang yang tingkat ekonomi seperti saya kipas angin adalah pilihan yang paling bisa diandalkan. Setuju dengan post ini...

    Tetap semangat dan sukses selalu ya mas...

    1. kipas anginnya diarahin ke kaki saja mas biar ga masuk angin

  5. setujuuu dirumah saudaraku di surabaya, atap lantai lotengnya asbes, panasnya ampun ampun, kipas angin ga pernah absen pokoknya
    sekarang aja di kotaku Jember, juga lumayan sering turun hujan, tapi tetep aja hawanya panas, aku bisa seharian nyalain kipas
