Have you ever thought about what your purpose in life is in this world? Regardless of your beliefs, your purpose in life must be to be happy. It migh…
Read full articleEnough of us questioning the uncertainty of natural phenomena. Finally, mother earth convinces us that this is the real season, the rainy season. Liv…
Read full articleThe IGD, or emergency room, is the first destination for patients who come to the hospital in an emergency. Emergency means unplanned, something that…
Read full articleThis rainy season is like a cooperative's loan installment that sometimes runs smoothly and sometimes gets stuck. Morning promises sometimes don&…
Read full articleBelieve it or not, rain can also fall when the weather is hot. During my life journey, my eyes have encountered this natural phenomenon several times…
Read full articleOne of the most popular drinks is coffee. A drink that is claimed to have a fairly high caffeine content. Where the substance can stimulate our brain…
Read full articleA glimmer of hope brings dream news at the beginning of the month. It rained for three days in a row after I made a review that mentioned the inconsi…
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